First Congressional District
Democratic Party: Herman Y.
Broomhall, Chestertown
Thomas F. Johnson, Berlin
Republican Party: Edward T.
Miller, Easton
Broomhall Johnson
Caroline ....... 1,138 1,494
Cecil ........................... 1,702 2,221
Dorchester ............. 842 2.793
Kent .............................. 2,235 949
Queen Anne's ...... 1,162 2,648
Somerset .................. 371 2,047
Talbot ........................... 1,442 1,862
Wicomico .................. 961 4,647
Worcester 1.670 2,682
Totals .....................11,523 21,233
Second Congressional District
Democratic Party: William P.
Bolton, Dundalk
William Boucher, III, Ec-
John B. Kennedy, Balti-
Republican Party: James P.
Devereux, Stevenson
Bolton Boucher Kennedy
Bait. ......40,342 14,699 2,104
Carr'll ... 3,076 372 336
H ford ... 5,516 688 703
B. C'y.,.21,466 19,996 7,138
Wards 15, 16,
26, 27; Pre.
1-8 of Ward 25
Tot'a 70,400 35,764 10,280
Third Congressional District
Democratic Party: Edward A.
Garmatz, Baltimore
Lillian L. Klecka. Balti-
Republican Party: Louis R. Mi-
lio, Baltimore
Garmatz Klecka
Baltimore City......l7,829 10,079
Wards 1-8, 22;
Pre. 6, 7, 8, of
Ward 18
Total ........................17.829 10,079
Fourth Congressional District
Democratic Party: George H.
Fallen, Baltimore
Sara A. Whitehurst, Bal-
Republican Party: James W.
Miller, Baltimore
Fallen Whitehurst
Baltimore City......20,368 15,865
Wards 9-14,17.
19, 20; Pre. 1,
2 of Ward 18
Total ........................20,368 15,866
Fifth Congressional District
Democratic Party: Lansdale G.
Sasscer, Upper Marlboro
Republican Party: Thomas S.
Carr. Annapolis
Sixth Congressional District
Democratic Party: W. Prescott
Allen, Bethesda
Russell P. Hartle, Hagers-
Republican Party: J. Glenn
Beall, Frostburg
Allen Hartle
Allegany ..................... 3,325 2.089
Frederick ... .. 3,469 2,910
Garrett ........................ 769 411
Montgomery ........... 5,226 7,901
Washington 1,146 7,258
Totals .....................13.936 20,578