B-125 Sprays for Home Fruit Plantings; 1949
B-126 Feeding Chickens; 1949
B-128 4-H Club Reporters Handbook; 1949
B-129 Maryland Lawn Culture; 1949
B-130 Containers for Flower Arrangements; 1950
B-131 Fabrics for Slip Covers; 1950
B-132 You Can Make Slip Covers; 1950
B-133 Maryland Fruit Tree Census and Marketing Survey;
B-134 Maryland Spray Calendar; February 1951 (revised)
B-135 European Corn Borer in Maryland; 1949
B-137 Consumer Shopping Habits; 1950
B-138 Dutch Elm Disease; August 1950
B-139 Growing Sweet Corn for Canning; March 1951
B-140 4-H Club Dairy Handbook; 1951
Extension Leaflets:
L-1 Home Demonstration Program Serves Maryland Fami-
lies; 1949; revised 1951
L-2 Control Tomato Diseases; 1949
L-3 Rat Control—Let's Rid Maryland of Rats; 1949
L-5 Harvesting and Storing Grain; 1949
L-6 Grain Mixture for the Milking Herd; 1949
L-7 Corn Storage for '47; 1949
L-9 Rose Culture In Maryland; 1949
L-10 Suggestions for Picking Tomatoes; 1950
L-11 Certified Kenland Clover; 1950
Miscellaneous Extension Publications:
1—Plant Food Recommendations for Maryland Horticultural
Crops; 1950
2—Maryland Agricultural Outlook for 1951 Demand—Supply
Prices; February 1951
3—Black Shank of Tobacco; April 1951
4—Tobacco Disease Control Chart for Maryland; May 1951
5—Vegetable Disease Control Chart for Maryland; May 1951
Fact Sheets:
I—Maryland Vegetable Varieties for 1951; 1951
2—Fertilizer Recommendations for Tomatoes in Maryland;
February 1951
3—Maryland Sweet Potato Industry; February 1951
5—Fumigating Tobacco Seedbeds with Menthyl Bromide;
February 1951
6—Producing Good Tobacco Plants; February 1951
7—Preparation of Sweet Potato Seedbeds; February 1951
8—Bedding Sweet Potatoes; March 1951
9—Use Maryland Trees for Your Farm Buildings; March 1951
10—Stop Disease and Insect Damage in Tobacco Plant Beds;
March 1951
11—Black Shank Is Threatening Maryland Tobacco; March 1951