The purpose of the MARYLAND MANUAL is to present in concise form to
the citizens of Maryland a description of their government Since it is a
publication of the State, the emphasis is primarily on the agencies of the State
Government, that part having to do with local government is not intended to
be more than a directory
Essays devoted to individual governmental agencies contain at the very
least an account of the legal status of the agency, its function, the name of
the official in charge and the members of any governing body or commission,
the number of persons employed, expenditures during the fiscal year 1950
and appropriations for 1951. A list of current publications of all agencies is
given in a separate section
The cooperation of many State agencies is gratefully acknowledged Special
thanks are due the following James P Brock and Mary L Wilson of the
Secretary of State's Office, Dr Carl N Everstine of the Department of Legis-
lative Reference, who prepared a corrected version of the Constitution, John
P. Trimmer, former Director of the Department of Information, who con-
tributed "Maryland at a Glance", Dr Elwyn A Mauck and Janet Hoffman
of the Fiscal Research Bureau who prepared the governmental chart Of the
members of the staff of the Hall of Records who assisted, special mention is
due John P Hively, Gust Skordas, Roger Thomas, and Gary T Peebles
This edition of the MANUAL contains for the first time a road map of
Maryland prepared by the State Roads Commission and adapted for our
use with the cooperation of Mr George W Cassel of the Traffic Division
An excellent map of Maryland showing state parks, institutions, forest pre-
serves, and so forth has been made available to the editors of the MANUAL
by the Department of Public Improvements Photographs were furnished by
the following
Department of Public Improvements—Old Senate Chamber and Deer's
Head State Hospital State Roads Commission—Sandy Hook Bridge and
Route 40, aerial view Board of Natural Resources—Sandy Point Park and
Chesapeake Bay Bridge Marion Warren—Old Treasury Building, Anne
Arundel County Court House and U S Naval Hospital
The reader's attention is called to the fact that the Index which formerly
contained references only to that part of the book devoted to State agencies
has now been enlarged to include all names of persons As a result it has
been necessary to divide the Index into a "General Index" devoted to agen-
cies, subjects and functions and "An Index to Proper Names "