The Advisory Board on Hospital Construction was established in
1947. It is composed of eleven members appointed by the Governor
for a term of three years, but of those first appointed, three serve for
one year, four for two years, and four for three years. The Council
is to consult and advise with the Board of Health in the administra-
tion of a State plan of Hospital Construction under the terms of the
"Hill-Burton" Act (Code 1947 Supp. Art. 43, sec. 496L).
Board of Trustees
Appointed by the Governor: Chairman: W. 0. McLean,
M.D., 1951; J. Edwin Winters, Vice Chairman, 1953; Edward
Ryan, 1951; William Jenkins, 1963.
Elected by the Board: Michael J. Byrnes, 1951; Walter J.
Mackey, 1951; William Lemert, 1951.
"Mary T. Howie, R.N., Superintendent
54 Tarn Terrace, Frostburg Telephone: Frostburg 275
Miners Hospital, established in 1912, is governed by a Board of
Trustees of seven members, four of whom are appointed by the Gov-
ernor for terms of four years; three members are elected by the Board
for two year terms (Acts 1912, Ch. 441).
The Hospital, founded originally for the purpose of providing
hospital facilities to miners and their families, today serves as a
general hospital for the residents of Frostburg and vicinity. While
rated as a thirty-five bed hospital, present demands require that it
serve an average of about 50 patients. It occupies a two-acre site.
Expenditures Appropriations
1949 1950
General funds -.................$ 48,526.00 $ 61,197.00
Special funds .................................... 59,231.58 55,000.00*
$107,757.58 $116,197.00
Staff: 37.
* Estimated.
Board of Public Welfare
Lee L. Dopkin, 1953; William L. Galvin, 1951; James M.
Hepbron, 1955; Sidney Hollander, 1951; Frank C. Marino,
M.D., 1953; Thomas W. Pangborn, 1955; Ernest 0. Wheat-
ley, 1951.
J. Milton Patterson, Director
Elizabeth G. Smith, Assistant to the Director
120 W. Eedwood Street, Baltimore 1 Telephone: Lexington 0060