Chairman: Edward Uhlenhuth, Ph.D.,
University of Maryland Medical School
Vice Chairman: Allan L. Graffiin, M.D.,
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Frank H. J. Figge, Ph.D., University of Maryland Medical
School; William L. Straus, Jr., Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine.
Mary Frampton, Secretary
29 South Greene Street, Baltimore 1 Telephone: Plaza 1100
The Anatomy Board is an ex-officio body composed of the heads of
the anatomy departments of the University of Maryland Medical
School and The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and one
additional instructor of anatomy from each of the medical schools.
The purpose of the agency is to insure the fair distribution of bodies
to qualified medical schools. These bodies are of deceased persons
required to be buried at public expense. Such bodies are used only for
the promotion of medical science within the State of Maryland. If,
however, the body is claimed for burial by relatives, it shall be sur-
rendered for interment (Acts 1949, Ch. 669).
Special fees: (to claimant)
For embalmed bodies: $25.00 per body
For unembalmed bodies: $12.60 per body
Staff: 1
State Board of Health
Chairman: Robert H. Riley, M.D., Dr. P. H.
Huntington Williams, M.D., Dr. P. H.,
Commissioner of Health of Baltimore City
Members appointed by the Governor: George M. Anderson,
D.D.S., 1953; J. W. Bird, M.D., 1951; Thomas S. Cullen,
M.D., 1956; Maurice C. Pincoffs, M.D., 1953; A. L. Penni-
man, Jr., C. E., 1955; Lloyd N/ Richardson, Phar.D., 1951.
Robert H. Riley, M.D., Dr. P. H., Director
C. A. Perry, Sc.D., Chief, Bureau of Bacteriology
William F. Reindollar, Sc.D., Chief, Bureau of Chemistry
Edward Davens, M.D., Chief, Bureau of Maternal and Child
Health and Services for Crippled Children
Carroll S. Brinsfield, Chief, Bureau of Food and Drugs
L. M. Kantner, Phar.D., Deputy Food and Drug Commissioner
Dean Roberts, M.D., Chief, Bureau of Medical Services
George L. Hall, Chief, Bureau of Sanitary Engineering
Arthur W. Hedrich, Sc.D., Chief, Bureau of Vital Statistics
W. Ross Cameron, M.D., Chief, Division of Cancer Control
Herbert G. Fritz, F.A.C.H.A., Chief, Division of Hospital
Construction and Administration