Towson State Teachers College
accredited ................... 53
curriculum .................. 54
publications ................. 134
supervision of ............. 50, 51
Trade Commission, Baltimore
County ................... 244
Trade, growth of .............. 16, 17
Trademarks, ................. 23, 58
Trade Names, registration of...... 23
see also Brand Names, Labeling
Trade Representative, Tobacco. . .90, 91
Trade Schools, licensing of........ 51
accident reports .......... .98, 105
surveys ..................... 101
Traffic Collision Statistical Bureau. . 98
Traffic Court, Baltimore City... 105, 247
Traffic Division ................. 101
Traffic Safety Commission. .... .98, 105
Traffic Staff ..................... 98
Training School, Police ........98, 99
Training Schools
activities ................. 73, 74
publications .............. 145, 146
supervision of ............... 72
Transportation Companies, regulation
of .........................38
Treasurer, State
accounts audited .............. 28
counsel (or .................. 32
duties ................... 27, 28
election of ............... .27, 152
vacancy in office ............. 21
Baltimore City ............... 250
Counties .................... 217
Treasurers, State, historical list of. . 410
Treaty of Paris Ratified. .......... 16
Tree Marketing Program. ......... 84
Tree, Maryland. .. .pamphlet back cover
Tree Protection ................. 84
Trial Magistrates
counsel for .................. 32
list of .................... 220-222
see also Justices of the Peace
Troops, National Guard........ .96, 97
Trout Bearing Stations ........... 82
Tuberculosis Clinics .............. 65
Tuberculosis Hospitals ........68, 69
Tuberculosis Services, Division of. . 65
U Page
Unclassified Service (State) ....... 47
see Funeral Directors
Unemployment Compensation Divi-
sion ...................... 45
Uniform Accounts, Commission on. . 31
Uniform State Laws, Commissioners
for ....................... 33
University Hospital ........... .57, 76
University of Maryland
accredited ................... 53
agricultural work ........... .57-59
colleges of ................... 57
faculty retirement fund. . . . . .48, 49
mining courses ............... 86
publications ...............141-145
Regents, Board of....... 55, 56, 57
Upholstery Law ................. 65
Upper Potomac River Commission.. 129
Use Tax ........................ 26
Vehicles, Motor, Department of
see Motor Vehicles, Department of
Vending Stands, licensing ......... 55
Venereal Diseases ............ .63, 64
Veterans, Arsenal and. Memorial
Commission ................ 115
Veterans Commission, Maryland
duties ....................... 113
publications .................. 145
Veterans* Housing Commission..... 114
Veterans' Relief Fund. ........... 113
Veterans' Service Committee....... 45
Veterans, World War I, memorial... 114
Veterans, World War II, records.... 112
Veterinary Medical Elxaminers, Board
of ........................ 118
Veto, Governor's ................ 21
Vice-President, U. S., election returns
for ........................ 262
Victor F. Cullen State Hospital.... 68
Vital Statistics, Bureau of......... 64
Vocational Education, Division of... 50
Vocational Guidance ........45, 50, 61
Vocational Rehabilitation, Division of 51
Vocational Schools, licensing of.... 51
Wages, State Employees'.......... 47
Wages, study of .............. 43, 45
Walsh-Healy Act ................ 42