Soil Conservation 57, 58, 82, 86, 89, 106
Soil Conservation Committee, State
duties ....................... 89
publication .................. 141
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
assistance to .............. . 89
list of .................... 240-242
Solid Fuel Tax................... 26
Somerset County
area ........................ 443
Circuit Court ................ 181
cities and towns. .............. 442
county seat .................. 435
Court terms .................. 438
Delegates .................... 158
election districts ............. 451
liquor license commissioners.... 26
name and origin .............. 435
newspapers .............. .454, 455
Officers ...............214-242, 245
population .......... .445, 451, 453
Senator ..................... 155
taxable basis ................ 210
Song, State ....17, pamphlet back cover
Speakers, House of Delegates, histo-
rical list of.. ........... .413, 414
Special Tax Areas
see Tax Areas, Special
Special Study Commission
Reports ................ 146, 147
Springfield State Hospital. ......... 78
Spring Grove State Hospital....... 78
Stamp Act Repudiated............ 16
Standard Maryland Colleges........ 53
Standard Salary Board. ........... 47
* 'Star Spangled Banner*'.......... 17
State Agencies
accounts audited .............. 28
appropriations, 1950 ....... .185-189
budgeting ...............21, 25, 30
counsel ...................... 32
description of functions...... .21-126
expenditures, 1949 ......... 196-203
personnel recruitment ......... 47
property ..................206-209
publications ............... 133-147
records depository ............ Ill
supplies ..................... 30
State-aided Institutions
appropriations, 1950 ....... .190-195
supervision over ........... 64, 72
State Appeal Board. .............. 26
State's Attorney
Baltimore City ............... 246
counsel for .................. 32
Counties ..................... 214
State Central Committees
Democratic ............... .271-274
Republican ............... .275-279
State Forests and Parks. ...... .9, 83-85
State Governments, Council of...... 131
State Guard ..................21, 96
State Health Officers, Deputy.--.63, 234
State Officers
appointment ................. 21
confirmation ................. 152
removal ..................... 152
State Police ................. 49, 98
State Property ............... 206-209
State Use Industries ............ 92-95
Stationary Engines, operators'
licenses ................... 117
agricultural ............... 57, 58
birth ....................... 64
crime ....................... 98
death ....................... 64
educational .................. 51
health .................... 63, 64
industrial ................... 42
labor ....................... 45
marketing ................... 58
marriage .................... 64
natural resources ....... 80, 81, 84,
87, 88, 131, 132
traffic (volume) .............. 101
traffic accidents .......... .98, 105
Stream Pollution ............ .88, 132
Strikes, negotiation of............ 42
Strip Mining, regulation of........ 86
Superintendent of Public Buildings
and Grounds .............. 108
Superintendent of Public Instruction,
Baltimore City ............ 246
Superintendent of Schools, State. 50
Superintendents of Schools, Counties
229, 230
Superior Court, Baltimore City.. 182
Supervisors of Elections
see Elections, Supervisors of
Supervisors of Assessments
see Assessments, Supervisors of
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City
Judges of ................... 182
Probation officer. ......... .95, 247