Hall of Records Commission
duties .................. Ill, 112
publications ................. 135
Harford County
area ....................... 443
Circuit Court ................ 181
cities and towns ............. 440
county seat ................. 435
Court terms ................. 437
Delegates ................... 158
election districts ............. 450
name and origin............... 435
newspapers .................. 454
Officers ...................214-244
population ........... 445, 450, 453
Senator ...................... 155
taxable basis ................. 210
Health Boards, County............ 63
Health Commissioner, Baltimore City 247
Health, Department of
Board, of .................... 62
drug laws ................. 65, 120
hospitals .................. 68, 69
livestock regulation ........... 59
powers and. duties... .63, 65, 68, 69
publications .................. 135
Health Education ................ 63
Health Officers, County
appointment of ............... 68
list of ....................... 234
Health Services, State Aid for. ..... 195
Health, School ................. 64, 65
Heating Plant, State.............. 108
Henryton State Hospital........... 68
High School Equivalent
Examinations ............ 50, 121
Highway Construction, Advisory
Council on ................. 101
administration ............. 101-103
planning ..................... 106
Hill-Burton Act .......... .65, 71, 107
Historical Sketch of Maryland.... .11-18
Historical Society, Maryland, War
Records Division ........... 112
Holidays, Legal ................. 438
Home Demonstration Agents
Baltimore City ............... 247
Counties ..................... 239
Homeopathic Medical Board... .116, 117
Homes for the Aged
licensing of .................. 64
State aid to .................. 193
Hood College ................... 53
Horticulture ..................... 57
Horseshoers, Board of Examiners of. 118
Hospital Construction ...... 65, 71, 107
Hospital Construction and Adminis-
tration, Division of ........ 64, 65
Hospital Construction, Advisory
Council on ............... 70, 71
Hospital Licensing, Advisory Board
on ........................ 70
licensing of ................ 64, 70
State aid to................ 191-192
Hospitals, State ..57, 68, 69, 71, 77, 78
House of Correction .............. 93
House of Delegates
Biographical Sketches of
Members ................ 163-176
Committee on Intergovernment
Cooperation ............. 130, 131
election returns ........... .257-259
impeachment powers .......... 152
Legislative Council Members.... 153
Photographs of Members before 181
Qualifications for membership. ... 151
roster of Members ......... 156-159
Speakers, historical list of. . .413, 414
Housing Court, Baltimore City..... 247
Housing, Veterans .............. 114
Howard County
area ........................ 443
Circuit Court ................ 181
county seat ................. 435
Court terms ................. 437
Delegates ................... 158
election districts ............ 450
name and origin ............. 435
newspapers ................. 454
Officers ............. .214-241, 244
population ..........445, 450, 453
Senator ..................... 155
taxable basis ................ 210
Hunting Licenses ............... 82
Hydrographic Surveys ........... 85
Hydrography ................... 87
Impeachment of State Officers ..... 152
Improvements, Public, Department
of ....................... 107
Income Tax ................... 26, 30
Incorporated Places
see Cities and Towns