conservation .......... .87, 89, 131
consumers ................. 58, 91
deaf ........................ 54
health ................ .63, 64, 65
Industrial Arts .............. 50
legal ....................... 119
mining ..................... 86
Negro ............... 51, 57, 59, 60
physically handicapped. 50, 51, 54, 55
police .................... .98, 99
prisoner ................... 93, 94
psychiatric .................. 76
safety ................ 43, 98, 105
teacher ............. 51, 52, 53, 60
vocational ................. 50, 51
see also Colleges, Schools
Education, Boards of
Baltimore City .............. 246
Counties ................. 227-229
State ....................... 50
Education, Department of
State Board of ............... 50'
duties .................... .50-51
nursing examinations ......... 121
publications ............. 133, 134
school health program ........ 64
Teachers Colleges ............ 51-53
Education, Research and. De-
partment of ............... 87
Educational Institutions
accredited colleges .......... 53, 54
accrediting and licensing ....... 51
State-aid to ................. 194
Egg Grading ................... 58
Election Districts, Population
of ....................449, 452
Election Returns
Attorney General ............ 253
Comptroller ................. 253
Congressional ........... .254, 263
General Assembly ........ .256-259
Governor ................... 253
House of Delegates ....... .257-259
Judiciary ................ 255, 264
President of the U. S. ........ 262
publications of ............... 23
Senator, U. 8. ............... 253
State Senate ................ 256
Vice President of the V. S. .... 262
Elections, Supervisors of
Baltimore City ............... 246
Counties ................. .224-226
Frederick City .............. 244
Electoral Votes, 1948 ........... 262
Electrical Inspection, County
Boards of ..............243-245
Electrical Examiners and Super-
visors, Board of ........... 122
Electricians, examination of........ 122
Electricity, testing of ............ 38
Elk Neck State Forest ........... 84
Elk Neck State Park ............ 85
Embalmers, Funeral Directors,
Board of .................. 120
Emergency Appropriation Funds ... 25
Employees' Retirement System,
State ..................... 48
Employees Salary Board, State .... 47
Employment Agencies, licensing of. . 42
Employment Commissioner, State
duties ..................... 46, 47
publications ................. 134
Employment Permits, Minors ..... 42
Employment and Registration,
State, Department of ....... 46
Employment Security, Department of
duties .................... .44,45
publications ................. 134
Employment Service Division ..... 45
Engineer, tJhief
Baltimore County ............ 244
State ....................... 107
Engineering, Sanitary, Bureau of. . 64
Engineers ,
Building ................ 107, 108
Road .......... 100, 243, 244, 245
Sanitary .....64, 88, 129, 243, 245
Engineers, Examining, Board of.... 117
Engineers, Professional, and Land
Surveyors, Board of ........ 126
Engines, Portable, Operators'
licenses ................. 117
Equivalent Examinations ......50, 121
Erosion, Shore .................. 86
see also Soil Conservation
driving ..................... 104
high school equivalent ........ 50
insurance agents and brokers... 36
mine foreman ............... 86
real estate agents and brokers. . 41
Examining Boards ............ 115-126
Examining Engineers, Board of.... 117
Executions .................... 21, 93
Executive Clemency ............ 21, 95