Supp., Art. 2B, sec. 134 (b) ). The Board hears appeals from the deci-
sions of the licensing authorities in Anne Arundel (except Annapolis),
Dorchester, Wicomico and Worcester Counties. For the counties of
Anne Arundel, Dorchester and Wicomico, the decision of the Board
is final; but in the remaining four counties appeals may be taken to
the Circuit Court (Art. 2B, sees. 149, 151). The Board meets within
the time prescribed by law after the filing of an appeal, request or
complaint at the County Seat of the county in which the action
originated. The appropriation for the expenses of the Board is
included in the budget of Alcoholic Beverage Division, Comptroller
of the Treasury. The annual report of the Board is included with
the Comptroller's Annual Report and the Annual Report of the Al-
coholic Beverage Division.
Staff: 3.
James J. Lacy, Comptroller of the Treasury
Hooper S. Miles, State Treasurer
James G. Kennie, Director, Department of Budget and
W. Irvin Young, Chief, Bureau of Revenue Estimates
State Office Building, Annapolis Telephone: Annapolis 2631
The Board of Revenue Estimates and the Bureau of Revenue Esti-
mates were created in 1946. The Board is composed of the Comp-
troller of the Treasury, the State Treasurer and the Director of
Budget and Procurement. It is the duty of the Board to study the
findings, and recommendations of the Bureau and upon the basis of
such study send to the Governor, for submission to the General As-
sembly, an itemized statement of anticipated revenues for the suc-
ceeding fiscal year, together with such other recommendations as
the Board may deem necessary. It is the duty of the Bureau to
study and analyze all sources of revenue, to prepare for the Board
the facts and findings for its itemized statement, to make and devise
more equitable and economical means of collection of such revenue,
and to devise and recommend new sources of revenue (Code 1947
Supp., Art. 41, sec. 134A).
Expenditures, 1949, included in Comptrollers funds.
Appropriation, 1950 --..........---...--.--..--.--$9,233.00
Staff: 2.
Hooper S. Miles, Treasurer, 1961
Charles M. Speicher, Chief Deputy
J. Hugh Taylor, Deputy
State Office Building, Annapolis Telephone: Annapolis 3117
Mathieson Building, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Saratoga 5166
Under the Constitution of 1776, there were two State Treasurers..
the Treasurer of the Eastern Shore and the Treasurer for the West-