Governor of Maryland
William Preston Lane, Jr. was born May 12, 1892 at Hagerstown, Wash-
ington County, Maryland. He is the son of the late Colonel William P.
Lane and Virginia Lee (Cartwright) Lane and the direct descendant of
early settlers of Washington County and of several of the pioneer families
of Southern Maryland, including the Maddoxes and Claggetts. Governor
Lane is married to the former Dorothy Byron of Hagerstown, and he is the
father of two daughters, Dorothy Byron and Jean Cartwright Lane.
Governor Lane graduated from the University of Virginia with the degree
.of Bachelor of Laws in 1915. He was admitted to the Maryland Bar the
next year, and has been admitted to practice before the United States
Supreme Court. He is a former member of the law firm of Lane, Bushong
and Byron of Hagerstown. In addition to the practice of law. Governor
Lane has been active in business. One of his interests is the Herald-Mail
Company, publishers of two Hagerstown newspapers, of which he has been
president since 1922.
Civic and poltical affairs have engaged the interest of Governor Lane from
his earliest manhood. He is a member of the Vestry of St. John's Parish
(Protestant Episcopal) and a trustee of St. James' School. He is also a
former member of the Board of Education of Washington County, and he is
at present a member of the Elks, Moose, and Eagles. A leading Democrat
of Maryland, Governor Lane has been a delegate to five National Conven-
tions (1928, 1932, 1940, 1944, and 1948), a Presidential Elector at Large
(1936), State Treasurer (1940), and Chairman of the Campaign Commit'
tee (1944). He has been Democratic National Committeeman since 1940. He
was Attorney General of Maryland from 1930 to 1935 and a member of
the Maryland Tax Revision Commission in 1938. He is serving his first
term as Governor, having been elected in 1946. He was elected Chairman of
the Southern Governors' Conference (1947'1948), Chairman of the National
Governors' Conference and President of the Council of State Governments
(1948-1949). In December of 1949 he was elected a member at large of
the governing board of the Council of State Governments for a term of
five years.
As a Captain in the National Guard, Governor Lane served on the Mexican
Border in 1916. During World War I he served as Captain in the 115th
Infantry where he saw service in France, especially in the Meuse'Argonne
Offensive. He was decorated with the Silver Star. After the Armistice he
was promoted to a Majority and appointed Assistant Division Adjutant to
the 29th Division. During World War II he assisted in the organization of
the Maryland State Guard and the Maryland Minute Men and was com-
missioned Lieutenant Colonel.
Governor Lane's present address is Government House, Annapolia; his
home address is 943 Terrace, Hagerstown.