Air Group, 1941-1946, holding rank as Major, served in the China-
Burma-India Theatre. Assistant City Solicitor of Baltimore City
since 1947. Chairman, Baltimore City Delegation, 1947-49. Member
of the Commission on Legislative Office Space; Vice Chairman, Demo-
cratic State Central Committee. Married. Elected to the House of
Delegates in 1946.
LEROY PUMPHREY, Democrat, Prince George's County. Attorney,
farmer and banker. Member of the Legislative Council. Majority
Leader since 1947. Unmarried. Elected to the House of Delegates
in 1942.
JACOB R. RAMSBURG, Republican, Frederick County, born near
Lewistown, Maryland, February 16, 1908. Attended the public schools
of Frederick County. Insurance agent. President Frederick County
Council on Religious Education; member Salvation Army Advisory
Board of Frederick, Lions, and Lutheran Church. Married. Elected
Minority Floor Leader in 1947, 1949 and 1950. Elected to the House
of Delegates in 1934.
LESTER B. REED, Republican, Allegany County; born at Mt. Savage,
Maryland, August 10, 1908. Attended the public schools of Allegany
County, and Catherman's Business College, Cumberland. Automotive
supplies dealer. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1938.
JOHN B. REEVES, Republican, Montgomery County; born in Wash-
ington, D. C., July 7, 1906. Attended the public schools of the
District of Columbia and the National University, graduating in 1929.
Attorney, member of the Maryland and District of Columbia Bars.
Served as Lieutenant in the U. S. Naval Reserve, 1944-1946. U. S.
Commissioner for the District of Maryland, 1941-1944, 1946-1947.
Director, Bethesda Chamber of Commerce. Married. Elected to the
House of Delegates in 1946.
E. PETER RICHARDSON, Democrat, Worcester County; born at
Camden, New Jersey, June 26, 1910. Attended the public schools of
Camden and Pierce Business College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Poultry raiser and feed broker. Elected to the House of Delegates in
Poultry raiser and feed broker. Deputy District Governor Lions
Club, Zone 3, District 22B; President Berlin P.T.A.; Vice President of
Central Shore Baseball League. Married. Elected to the House of
Delegates in 1946.
JEROME ROBINSON, Democrat, Baltimore 4th; born in Baltimore
March 31, 1911. Attended the public schools of Baltimore City, Balti-
more City College, graduating in 1927; graduated from the Univer-
sity of Maryland Law School in 1931 and admitted to the Bar in 1932.
Former Secretary to the Committee on Civics, Judiciary and Legisla-
tion, Junior Bar Association, 1937; Secretary to Commission to Study
Medico-Legal Psychiatry, 1948; member of the Charter Revision Ad-
visory Committee of Baltimore City 1945-1946; member of the Legis-
lative Council. Unmarried. Member of the House of Delegates since
EDWARD B. ROCKENBAUGH, Democrat, Baltimore County; born
at Oella, Maryland, August 15, 1906. Attended the public schools of
Baltimore County and the University of Baltimore. Claim Adjuster.
Served as member of the U. S. Coast Guard 1944-1945. Married.
Elected to the House of Delegates in 1942.
LEONA M. RUSH, Republican, Montgomery County; born in Wash-
ington, D. C. Attended the public schools of the District of Columbia
and George Washington University. Housewife. Vice President,
Federation of Republican Women of Montgomery County. Vice-
Chairman, Republican State Central Committee. Married. Elected
to the House of Delegates in 1946.