fantry, 1917-19, and in the 7th Recruit Depot Band, 1921-23. Attorney
to the Board of License Commissioners of Prince George's County,
1943-44; Attorney to the Town of Bladensburg, 1947-49. Married.
Elected to the House of Delegates in 1946.
JOHN F. MCNULTY, Democrat, Anne 'Arundel County; born at
Crisfield, Maryland, May 29, 1896. Educated at the University of
Maryland and St. Charles College, Cape Charles, Virginia, graduating
in 1916. Served in the U. S. Navy as a Lieutenant Commander, 1917-
1919; and as a Captain, 1942-1945. Former State Service Officer for
the Maryland Veterans Commission. President of Maryland State
Firemen's Association, 1940. State Commander, American Legion,
1934-35. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1946.
FREDERICK C. MALKUS, JR., Democrat, Dorchester County; born
at Baltimore, July 1, 1913. Attended Cambridge High School,
Western Maryland College, graduating in 1934, and the Law School
of the University of Maryland. Admitted to the Bar in 1988. Served
with the First Army during World War II, entering as a Private
and being discharged as a Major. Unmarried. Elected to the House
of Delegates in 1946.
JOSEPH A. MATTINGLY, Democrat, St. Mary's County; born at
Leonardtown, January 2, 1916. Attended St. Mary's Academy,
Leonard Hall, and the University of Maryland, graduating in 1941.
Admitted to the Bar the same year. Served with the Navy as Lieuten-
ant Commander, 1941-1946. Unmarried. Elected to the House of
Delegates in 1946.
BERNARD S. MELNICOVE, Democrat, Baltimore 4th; born in Wash-
ington, D. C., September 2, 1911. Attended the public schools of
Baltimore City, Baltimore City College, and the University of Balti-
more, graduating in 1932. Admitted to the Bar in 1933. Justice of
the Peace, Baltimore, 1935-1938. Member: Legislative Council and
Commission to Study and Revise the Corporation Laws of Maryland.
Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1938.
HARRY L. MESSICK, Democrat, Wicomico County; born at Tyaskin,
Maryland, July 22, 1901. Attended White Haven High School. Oper-
ator of Somerset Motor Lines and Westside Transit Line. Married.
Elected to the House of Delegates in 1942.
WILSON WILLIAM MEYERS, Democrat, Baltimore 6th; born in Bal-
timore July 9, 1915. Attended Loyola High School and Maryland
Institute. Longshoreman. Served as Seaman 2/c with U. S. Navy
1945-1946. Married. Appointed to the House of Delegates in 1948.
EDWARD R. MILANICZ, Democrat, Baltimore, 1st; born at Baltimore,
May 10, 1898. Attended parochial school at Baltimore. Merchant.
Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1942.
ELIZABETH DORSET Moss, Democrat, Anne Arundel County;
born in Annapolis. Attended public and private schools in Anne
Arundel County, graduate of Mount deSales, Catonsville. Member
of State Central Committee since 1930, Chairman since 1943. D.A.R.,
League of Women Voters, Member of the Board St. Mary's Indus-
trial School, former President St. Mary's P.T.A. First woman chair-
man of a county delegation to State Democratic Convention. Un-
married. Appointed to the House of Delegates in June, 1949.
BENJAMIN A. MROZINSKI, Democrat, Baltimore 1st; born at Balti-
more, April 18, 1905. Attended parochial school in Baltimore. Rail-
road conductor. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1946.