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Maryland Manual, 1950
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of this law Catholics were repressed under an "Act to pre-
vent the growth of popery" does not detract from the bold-
ness of Lord Baltimore's action in the mid-seventeenth cen-

The downfall of Charles I and the rise of the Common-
wealth were more serious events for the Maryland resi-
dents than for other colonists in America. But Oliver
Cromwell left Lord Baltimore in undisturbed charge of the
Province until 1652.

Emboldened by this, Governor William Stone attempted
to reduce the Puritan settlements on the Severn but came
close to losing his life by execution after a decisive victory
for the settlers in Providence (Annapolis).

Growth and Expansion

The newcomers to other parts of the geographical charter
limits of the Province, Proprietary, or Palatinate (as it
was sometimes called) were not so bellicose as those in
Providence. Settlement soon went far afield from the old
Yoacomaco village. By the end of the seventeenth century
eight counties had established themselves, each with its
court and complement of officials. The towns were few;

great estates abounded, whose river fronts were centers of
trade and traffic. The chief commerce was in tobacco,
which even substituted for currency during much of the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Until custom-house
centers were set up (1683), there was nothing to break the
power of the landed gentry.

Gradually what Indian troubles had existed were
smoothed out by treaties, such as the one of 1652 when
the Susquehannocks submitted under the poplar tree said
to be the one still to be seen in Annapolis, on the St. John's
College campus. The Proprietors, always a line of Calverts
with the title "Lord Baltimore," continued, until the death
of the sixth and last in 1771. In the time of James II, who
desired to have all lands under the Crown, and again in the
"Revolution" (before William and Mary held the throne
securely), the Calverts had difficulties, but these were not
reflected in any disadvantage to the Province. Neither the
virtual outlawry of the Proprietors, 1691 to 1715, nor the
establishment of the Church of England as the "official" re-
ligion proved too disturbing. If Puritanism waned, there
was certainly room made for the settlement of other dissent-
ers, notably Quakers. Culturally the three most important
changes in the seventeenth century were the establishment


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Maryland Manual, 1950
Volume 163, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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