President: Rodney Collier, 1951
Carroll G. Bayne, Secretary, 1951
Edward Pugh, Treasurer, 1961
844-848 N. Howard Street, Baltimore 2 • Telephone: None
The Governor appoints, biennially, the three members of this Board.
One member must be from the Maryland Fire Underwriters' Rating
Bureau, one a licensed moving picture machine operator and a mem-
ber of the Moving Picture Operators' Union, and the third, an exhibi-
tor licensed to operate motion picture machines. All members must
have had at least three years' experience in this business, and must
have resided in Baltimore City for not less than two years next pre-
ceding their appointment (Acts 1949, Ch. 215). This Board examines
and licenses operators of moving picture machines, and has super-
vision over them in Baltimore City only. Examinations are written
and practical. Applicants are eligible for examination after having
worked for six months under a licensed operator. Licenses must be
renewed annually. The Board has full power to suspend and revoke
licenses. The Board is required to meet monthly, but usually it meets
more often.
Expenditures, 1949, Special Funds.................................$l,655.55
Appropriation, 1950, Special Funds................................ 1,600.00
Staff: None
Chairman: Clara E. Taylor, 1952
Marie E. Schuster, 1950; Bertha G. Sachs, 1951
Kathryne C. Linder, Principal Clerk
102 Park Avenue, Baltimore 1 Telephone: Mulberry 3843
The Board of Hairdressers and Beauty Culturists was created by an
Act of the General Assembly in 1936. It is charged with the re-
sponsibility of examining, licensing and registering all persons en-
gaged in or teaching hairdressing or beauty culture. By promul-
gating rules and regulations g-uverning the conduct and sanitation
of hairdressing and beauty culture, it is the duty of the Board to
prevent the spread of contagious and infectious diseases. Members
of the Board are appointed by the Governor for terms of three
years. Members must be citizens of the State of Maryland, must
have at least five years' practical experience in hairdressing or beauty
culture, but cannot be members of nor affiliated with any establish-
ment or concern manufacturing or selling merchandise or commodities
used in hairdressing or beauty shops, nor be directly or indirectly
connected with any school of beauty culture. No two members who are
graduates of the same school of beauty culture shall serve at the
same time.
The Board appoints a secretary -who shall not be a member of the
Board. It also employs a chief inspector. In connection with prohibit-
ing any illegal practice, the Board may conduct hearings, compel the
attendance of witnesses, and administer oaths. Examinations are held,