Chairman: Frank A. Reger, Sr., 1951
T. A. Tauser, 1951; Paul Richardson, 1951; Harry Fri-
dinger, 1951; E. E. Schmidt, 1951.
203 Old Town Bank Bidg., Baltimore 2 Telephone: Lexington 8183
The first Board for the examining and licensing of plumbers in
Maryland was established in 1886. The jurisdiction of this Board
-was limited to Baltimore City. The present Commission was estab-
lished in 1910. Its jurisdiction includes all of the State, excepting
Prince George's and Montgomery Counties. The Board is composed
of five members appointed by the Governor for two year terms. One
member shall be from "Western Maryland, one from Southern Mary-
land, one from the Eastern Shore and two from Baltimore. The Com-
mission examines and certifies journeyman and master plumbers,
however, the latter must have held journeyman certificates for at least
two years prior to applying for a master's certificate. All certificates
must be renewed annually. Appeals from the results of examinations
may be taken to a Board of Arbiters, one member being appointed
by the appellant, one by the Commission, and a third member ap-
pointed by the other two members of the Arbitration Board. All mem-
bers of the Board must be certified plumbers within the State (Code
1939, Art. 43, sees. 318, 319, 321-324; Acts 1949, Ch. 449).
Expenditures, 1949, Special Funds....................................$3,026.73
Appropriation, 1950, Special Funds................................. 3,445.00
Staff: None
Members of the Board representing the Medical and Chirurgical
President: E. Paul Knotts, M.D., 1953
Edward M. Hanrahan, M.D., Vice President, 1953; Lewis P.
Gundry, M.D., Secretary-Treasurer, 1950; W. Allen Grimth,
M.D., 1951; John E. Legge, M.D., 1952; Edward P. Thomas,
M.D., 1950; Henry T. Collenberg, M.D., 1953; Erasmus H.
Kloman, M.D., 1951.
Hannah A. McCarthy, Executive Secretary
1215 Cathedral Street, Baltimore 1 Telephone: Mulberry 5587
Members of the Board representing the Homeopathic Medical
President: Maurice E. Shamer, M.D., 1953
John A. Evans, M.D., Secretary-Treasurer, 1953; Arthur J.
Davies, M.D., 1950; M. Bourman Hood, M.D., 1951; William
Fannebaker, M.D., 1952; Henry Russell, M.D., 1961; J. Ward
Wisner, M.D., 1950.
612 West 40th Street, Baltimore 11 Telephone: Belmont 0832
The practice of medicine in Maryland is regulated by two Boards
of Medical Examiners, one representing the Medical and Chirurgical