of eminent domain, shall be taken without just compensa-
tion, as agreed 'upon between the parties, or awarded by
a jury, being first paid or tendered to the party entitled to
such compensation..
All land or property needed, or taken by the exercise
of the power of eminent domain, by the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore for any of the aforementioned pur-
poses or in connection with the exercise of any of the pow-
ers which may be granted to the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore pursuant to this Article is hereby declared to
be needed or taken for a public use.] 1.
SECTION 1. The Governor, the Comptroller of the
Treasury and the Treasurer, shall constitute the Board of
Public Works in this State. They shall keep a journal of
their proceedings, and shall hold regular sessions in the
City of Annapolis on the first Wednesday in January, April,
July and October in each year, and oftener if necessary;
at which sessions they shall hear and determine such mat-
ters as affect the public works of the State, and as the Gen-
eral Assembly may confer upon them the power to decide..
SEC. 2. They shall exercise a diligent and faithful su-
pervision of all public works in which the State may be
interested as stockholder or creditor, and shall represent
and vote the stock of the State of Maryland in all meetings
of the stockholders of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal; and
shall appoint the directors in every railroad and canal com-
pany in which the State has the legal power to appoint
directors, which said directors shall represent the State in
all meetings of the stockholders of the respective companies
for which they are appointed or elected. And the presi-
dent and directors of the said Chesapeake and Ohio Canal
Company shall so regulate the tolls of said company from
time to time as to produce the largest amount of revenue,
and to avoid the injurious effect to said company of rival
competition by other internal improvement companies.
They shall require the directors of all said public works
to guard the public interest and prevent the establishment
of tolls which shall discriminate against the interest of
the citizens or products of this State and from time to.
1. Article 11-C was proposed, by Ch. 505 of 1947, to be voted upon in Novem-
ber, 1948..