Board of Welfare Thomas J. S. Waxter, Director 1950
Thomas D'Aleaandro,Jr. Ex-officio
Huntington Williams,.
M.D. Ex-officio
Francis A. Davis, Chairman. 1952
L. Edwin Goldman 1960
P. L. Goldsborough, Jr. 1960
Ralph J. Young, M.D. 1948
Esther L. Richards, M.D. 1948
William L. Galvin 1952
W. Boulton Kelly 1952.
Commissioner of Health Huntington Williams, M.D. 1950
Chief Medical Examiner Howard J. Maldeis, M.D. indefinite
Board of License Commissioners Francis A. Michel, Chm. 1949
George Blackiston, Sr. 1949
George M. Englar.. 1949
Probation Officer of Supreme Bench Charles F. Snyder . indefinite.
(All Terms Expire 1949).
Baltimore City Traffic Court Joseph Wyatt, Chief
Stephen P. Campbell, Jr.
William M. Hudnut
Joseph Kolodny
Joseph Leiter
Henry Miller.
Police Magistrates James R. Cadden, Chief Central Station
Reuben Caplan Northern Station
Thomas L. Fitzpatrick Northwestern Station
Herbert F. Franklin Southern Station
August A. Koziovsky Northeastern Station
Preston A. Pairo Western Station
Julius A. Romano Southwestern Station
Frank J. Schap Eastern Station
James H. Ellis, Jr. At Large
Harry S. Kniger At Large.
(All Terms Expire 1949).
Name Address Ward
Marion A. Figinski 437 S. Ellwood Ave. 1st
Isaac Bennan 228 S. Broadway 3rd
Samuel Skolnik 2404 E. Baltimore St. 6th
J. Alfred Callanan 1716 Oliver St. . 8th
Louis Binder 2203 W. North Ave. 15th
Henry W. Schultheis 3721 Edmondson Ave. 20th
William D. Schofield, Jr. 510 S. Conkling St. ... 26th
Lipman Renbaum 3309 Pinkney Rd. 27th.