Eastern Shore, two from the tidewater counties of the Western Shore,
and two from the State at large. The four appointed from the tide-
water counties shall have practical knowledge of tidewater fisheries,
but shall have no financial interest in the fisheries industry. The
Chairman of the Commission of Tidewater Fisheries shall serve as
Chairman of the Board.
"The term of office of the six appointive members of the Board shall
be six years from June 1, 1941, but of those first appointed one shall
serve for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for
four years, one for five years, and one for six years."
Appointive Members: Term Expires Postoffice
Merle G. Towner.....................1950........................Baltimore
George S. Miles...............1949 .. ....................Leonardtown
Isaiah Bowman ................1947........................Baltimore
Norman E. Carr... ..............1951 — ..............Edgewater
Ellsworth Leary ... .......1948............... .......Rock Hall
Nelson Colbourne .........1946... .......... ........ —Crisfield
Ex-Officio Members:
Edwin Warfield, Jr., Chairman Commission of Tidewater Fish-
eries, Chairman of the Board.
Ernest A. Vaughn, State Game Warden.
Joseph F. Kaylor, State Forester.
Joseph T. Singewald, Jr., Director Department of Geology,
Mines and Water Resources.
R. V. Truitt, Director Department Research and Education,
University of Maryland.
B. Lester Muller, Chairman Maryland Publicity Commission.
William H. Bayliff, Executive Secretary.
Angeline Riley, Jr., Stenographer.
Chapter 608—Acts of 1941
"There is hereby created a State Department to regulate and control
the tidewater fisheries to be known as the Commission of Tidewater
Fisheries. Said Commission shall be composed of three members,
citizens and residents of this State, to be appointed by the Governor,
by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, not more than two
of whom shall be of the same political party. The Governor shall
designate one member as Chairman, and the member thus designated
will retain such status during his term of office. The initial members
of said Commission shall be those persons constituting the Conserva-
tion Commission on the effective date of this Act. Upon the expira-
tion of the respective terms of such persons on June 1, 1943, one mem-
ber shall be appointed for a term of two years, one for a term of four
years and one for a term of six years, thereafter, the terms shall be
for a period of six years."
Commission: Term Expires Postoffice
Edwin Warfield, Jr........ 1947... .............. ......Woodbine
George T. Harrison.......1949 .............. ...........Tilghman
Allan A. Sellers.................1951.........................Benedict
Administrative Assistant:
David H. Wallace— ........ ....... ........... ............Annapolis