Cecil ...............John Collinson, M.D., Dr.P.H....Elkton
Charles..................D. S. Fisher, M.D...........La Plata
Dorchester..........E. A. Jones, M.D..............Cambridge
Frederick .........E. C. Kefauver, M.D.........Frederick
Harford ....... — ... T. A. Callahan, M.D.. ....... ....Bel Air
Howard.... —..A. F. Whitsitt, M.D., Acting....Ellicott City
Kent.. ..........A. F. Whitsitt, M.D. .......Chestertown
Montgomery.......V. L. Ellicott, M.D., Dr.P.H......Rockville
Prince George's.......J. M. Byers, M.D. .........Upper Marlboro
Queen Anne's— ......C. H. Halliday, M.D., Acting....Centreville
St. Mary's......E. C. Peak, M.D. — ......... Leonardtown
Somerset ........ R. H. Johnson, M.D— ......... Princess Anne
Talbot .........L. S. Welty, M.D... ......... Easton
Washington....J. A. McCallum, M.D-.......Hagerstown
*Washington ... —W. R. Willard, M.D., D.P.H.....Hagerstown
*Wicomico ....... S. H. Hurdle, M.D.. ......... Salisbury
Worcester......... R. H. Johnson, M.D. Acting ....Pocomoke
There are 128 Public Health Nurses and 21 Sanitary Inspectors in
the 23 counties of the State.
*Military Leave.
Chapter 210—Acts of 1945
Dr. Robert H. Riley...... 2411 N. Charles St., Baltimore 18
Director State Department of Health
Members: Term Expires
Dr. J. Douglas Colman ........ 1950 ............. 606 Park Avenue
Ex. Sec., Associated Hospital Ser.
William L. Galvin.......... ............. 1949 .....Mercantile Trust Bldg.
Bd. of Trustees, St. Joseph's Hosp.
Dr. J. Oliver Purvis ............1949 ......... ..........Annapolis
Dr. Winford H. Smith— .......1948...... .........Baltimore
Director, Johns Hopkins Hospital
Dr. Thomas B. Aycock— .......1947..... ....... ....... Baltimore
Benjamin W. Wright...........1947..............Cumberland
Supt. Memorial Hospital
Dr. William D. Noble...........1946...............Easton
Governor to appoint Advisory Board of seven members to make
recommendations to the State Board of Health and to assist in the
establishment of minimum standards under the provisions of this
sub-title. Members to be selected from list of names submitted by
the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland and from list sub-
mitted by the Maryland and District of Columbia Hospital Associa-
tions. At least four of the members shall be doctors of medicine and
members of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland.