The College of Agriculture includes the following departments:
Agricultural Chemistry; Agricultural Economics and Farm Manage-
ment; Agricultural Education and Rural Life, Agricultural Engineer-
ing; Agronomy (including Crops and Soils); Animal Husbandry;
Botany, Dairy Husbandry; Entomology and Bee Culture; Horticul-
ture (including Pomology; Vegetable Gardening, Landscape Gar-
dening and Floriculture); Plant Pathology; Plant Physiology and
Bio-Chemistry; Poultry Husbandry; Veterinary Science.
The College of Business and Public Administration provides profes-
sional training in economics' and business administration for those
who plan to become executives, teachers, or investigators in commer-
cial, industrial, agricultural, or government economic enterprises, or
to develop private business.
The College of Education offers seven curricula as follows: aca-
demic; business education; elementary education; home economics
education; nursery school education; industrial education; and phys-
ical education.
The College of Engineering includes the Departments of Chemical,
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering.
Graduate work is offered, under the supervision of the Dean of the
Graduate School, by competent members of the various faculties
of instruction and research.
The College of Home Economics is organized into the Department
of Foods and Nutrition, Textiles and Clothing, Home and Institu-
tional Management, and Practical Art.
The College of Arts and Sciences is divided into one Lower Divis-
ion and four Upper Divisions. Under the latter are grouped the
following departments:
A. The Divisions of Biological Sciences: Bacteriology, Botany, En-
tomology, Genetics, and Zoology.
B. The Division of Humanities: Art, Classical Languages and Lit-
eratures, Comparative Literature, English Literature and Phi-
lology, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Music, Philosophy,
and Speech.
C. The Division of Physical Sciences: Astronomy, Chemistry,
Geology, Mathematics, and Physics.
D. The Division of Social Sciences: Economics, History, Political
Science, Psychology, and Sociology.
The Department of Military Science and Tactics has charge of the
work of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps unit established by the
War Department. Students are required to take the Basic R. O. T.
The history of the present University of Maryland, until the merger
of 1920, is the history of two institutions. These were the old Uni-
versity of Maryland in Baltimore and the Maryland State College
(formerly Maryland Agricultural College) in College Park.
In 1807 a charter was granted to the College of Medicine of Mary-
land. The first class was graduated in 1810. A permanent home was
established in 1814-1815 at Lombard and Greene Streets in Baltimore,
the oldest structure in America devoted to medical teaching. Here
was founded one of the first medical libraries (and the first medical
school library) in the United States. In 1812 the General Assembly
of Maryland authorized the College of Medicine of Maryland to
"annex or constitute faculties of divinity, law, and arts and sciences,"