The 1936 Session of the General Assembly (Chapter 489) passed
a law creating the Banking Board appointed by the Governor, the
members of which are subject to the call of the Bank Commissioner
to confer and consult with him in matters concerning the business of
banking or banking institutions in the State of Maryland..
Chapter 489—Acts of 1936
Morton M. Prentis .... — From June 1, 1943 to June 1, 1949
(From Baltimore Clearing House)
Frank W. Wrightson-...... From June I, 1945 to June 1, 1951
(From Associated Mutual State Savings Banks of Baltimore)
F. Ross Myers From June 1, 1941 to June 1, 1947
(From Maryland State Bankers' Association)
J. Millard Tawes, State Comptroller, Member Ex-Officio.
The Board shall consist of three members to be appointed by the
Governor. One member of said Board shall be a representative of the
Baltimore Clearing House, one a representative of the Associated
Mutual Savings Banks of Baltimore and one a representative of the
Maryland State Bankers' Association. Each of these organizations
shall submit the names of three men qualified for the responsibility
imposed upon them by this Act and the Governor shall select one
name from each of said lists to serve on said Board.
One member of such Board shall be designated by the Governor
to serve until June 1, 1937, one member until June 1, 1939, and one
member until June 1, 1941, and after said several dates, each member
appointed shall serve for a term of six years or until his successor
has been appointed and qualified.
The Bank Commissioner is appointed by the Governor for a term
of four years.
Union Trust Building, Baltimore-1, Md.
Telephone: SAratoga 2323
Name Term Expires Postoffice
Joseph H. A. Rogan 1951 . Baltimore
Emerson C. Harrington, Jr...1947 . . .... Cambridge
Owen E. Hitchins.... .. .. ....1949 Cumberland
Albert W. Ward.. .. Baltimore
The State Tax Commission was created by the Act of 1914, Chapter
841, superseding the State Tax Commissioner, an office which was
established in 1878, with functions limited virtually to the assessment
of the shares of domestic corporations and national banks, the gross re-