R. A. Olson, Ph.D., Biologist II, In Charge of Hydrography and Pollution
(Active Duty, U. S. Naval Reserve).
Harry Stern, B. S„ Chemist III..
Eugene Cronin, M.. A., Biologist II, Crabs.
Richard Tiller, M. A., Biologist II, Fin Fish.
Willis L. Tressler. Ph.D., Planktologist.
R. V. Truitt, Ph.D., Biologist
The Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, located on Solomons Island,
in the mid-region of the Chesapeake Bay Country, is making marked
progress as an institution for research and study of natural resources
indigenous to the State. Emphasis is placed on marine forms. In pro-
gress at the Solomons Island institution are investigations into per-
tinent problems concerning crabs, oysters, fish, and certain of their
related forms and enemies. In the management of the laboratory,
several colleges of the State are cooperating, to wit: University of Mary-
land, Johns Hopkins University, Western Maryland College, Washington
College, Goucher College, St. John's College, and the Carnegie Institution
of Washington.
The following courses are offered during the summer to advanced
under-graduates and to graduate students: Algae, Diatones, Economic
Zoology, Protowology, Ichthyology, Invertebrates, Biological Prob-
lems, Conservation, and Biological Survey of the Solomons Island
Region. Class work is limited to eight students in these various sub-
jects relating to local forms. Students are accepted on the basis of
interest and scholarship, special consideration being given to those
from cooperating institutions and to Maryland high school teachers.
Pollution studies, both field and laboratory, chemical and biological,
are in progress in several parts of the State, while intensive work
of this type is being done in the Patapsco region, where industrial
and other wastes are intense. Fish and diamondback terrapin hatch-
eries are under the direction of the Laboratory. With the cooperating
institutions and independent research workers, who are supplied work-
ing space and equipment, the Laboratory is developing an extensive
volume of basic knowledge about the biological conditions of the
State. This work involves, in addition to stream and river, deep
water investigations, trips on the open ocean from whence come many
of the State's commercial fishes, and basic work on hydrography.
Fishery management, conservation, and educational work constitute
the foundational program of the Laboratory.
Chapter 436..1941
"The Governor is hereby authorized and directed to execute a com-
pact on behalf of the State of Maryland with any one or more of the
States of Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New
York, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, N. Carolina, S. Carolina,
Georgia, Massachusetts and Florida and with such other States as
may enter into the compact, the purpose of which is to promote the
better utilization of the fisheries, marine, shell and anadromous, of
the Atlantic seaboard by the development of a joint program for the
promotion and protection of the fishing industry. Also by the pre-
vention of the physical waste of the fisheries from any cause.