J. S. William Jones, A.M.,Sc.D., Litt.D., (Washington, Franklin
and Marshall), Professor of Mathematics.
A. Sager Hall, Ph.D. (Michigan), Professor of Science Emeritus.
Esther M. Dole, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of Women (Illinois. Wis-
consin), Professor of History and Government.
Arthur L. Davis, A.M., Ph.D. (Ohio Wesleyan, Wisconsin, Munich),
Professor of German.
Julian D. Corrington, A.B., Ph.D., (Cornell), Professor of Biology.
Winton Tolles,* A.M„ Ph.D. (Hamilton, Columbia), Professor of English
Lawrence Ford, A.M„ Ph.D. (Hiram, Columbia, Catholic Univer-
sity of America), Assistant Professor of Modern Languages.
Harold L. Boisen, A.B., M.A., (Denver, University of Chicago).
Florence T. Snodgrass, Ed.M. (New Brunswick, Harvard), Assist-
ant Professor of Education.
Frederick W. Dumschott, A.M. (Washington, Virginia), Assistant
Professor of History and Government.
Carey C. Dobbs, Ms., Sc.D., (Virginia, Besancon), Professor of Chem-
Jesse J. Coop, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. (Berea, University of Kentucky,
Indiana University), Professor of Physics.
Amanda T. Bradley, A.M. (Birmingham-Southern, Radcliffe, Har-
vard) , Assistant Professor of English and Dean of Women.
Louise B. Russell (Peabody Conservatory of Music), Instructor in
Doris T. Bell, Instructor in Physical Training for Girls.
Ethel S. Jones, A.B., (Alfred,) Assistant Librarian.
Bertha Faust, A.B., Ph.D., (Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania) Instructor in
* Lt. U.S.N.R., on active service.
Dr. Gilbert Wilcox Mead, President
This Board consists of twenty-five members. Twelve are appointed
by the alumni of the college, twelve by the Governor, without Senate
confirmation, and these thus appointed appoint annually a President
of the College, who, by virtue of his office is the twenty-fifth member
of the Board.
Name. Term Expires Address.
Elias H. Nuttle.... ............1943................Denton, Md.
F. Stanley Porter. ............. .1943. ............ .Baltimore, Md.
E. D. E. Rollins. ............... .1943. .............. .Elkton, Md.
Hiram Staunton Brown. ........ .1944. .................. Rye, N.Y.
W. G. Jack. ....................1944. ........ .Rowlandsville, Md.
P. Watson Webb.. ..............1944. ........... .Cambridge, Md.
W. Lester Baldwin. ............ .1944. ............ .Baltimore, Md.
S. Scott Beck. ..................1946. .......... Chestertown, Md.
James W. Chapman, Jr. ........1946.............. Baltimore, Md.
Arthur C. Humphreys. ........ .1946. ............. Snow Hill, Md
Wm.R. Homey... .........................1946.. .. ............. Centreville.Md.
Walter L. Wheatley......................... 1946.......... Federalsburg, Md.