Department of Agriculture. It co-operates with all farm and commu-
nity organizations in the State which have as their major object the
improvement of agriculture and rural life; and it aids in every way
possible in making effective the regulatory work and other measures
instituted by the State Board of Agriculture.
General Extension
This phase of the extension service of the University is conducted
in co-operation with the United States Bureau of Education and is in-
tended to make the Liberal Arts and branches of the curriculum, other
than Agriculture and Home Economics, of greater service to the people
of the State.
Agricultural Experiment Station.
The agricultural work of the University naturally comprises three
fields: research, instruction, and extension. The Agricultural Experi-
ment Station is the Agricultural research agency of the University, which
has for its purpose the increase of knowledge, primarily for the direct
benefit of the farmer. It is also the real source of agricultural information
for use in the classroom and for demonstrations in the field. The Experi-
ment Station work is supported by both State and Federal appropriations.
The Maryland Station, in addition to the work conducted at the
University, operates a sub-station farm of fifty acres at Ridgely, Caro-
line County, and a farm of about sixty acres at Upper Marlboro for
tobacco investigations. Experiments in co-operation with farmers are
conducted at many different points in the State. These tests consist
of studies with soils, fertilizers, crops, orchards, insect and plant
disease control, and stock feeding.
Princess Anne College
R. A. Grigsby, Acting Dean of Administration
Princess Anne College at Princess Anne, Somerset County, is the
Negro Land Grant College of Maryland maintained for the education
of Negroes in agriculture, the mechanic arts, and home economics.
County Agricultural Agents..Maryland
County. Name. Headquarters.
Allegany. ....................R. F. McHenry. ........ Cumberland
Anne Arundel. ....... ........ S. E. Day. .............. .Annapolis
Baltimore. .................. H. B. Derrick.. ............. .Towson
Calvert. ..................... John B. Morsell. . . . .Prince Frederick
Caroline..................... G. W. Clendaniel............ Denton
Carroll....................... L. C. Burns.............. Westminster
Cecil. ... .....................J. Z. Miller. ................... .Elkton
Charles. ..................... Paul D. Brown. ...........La Plata
Dorchester . H. W. Beggs Cambridge
Frederick. ...................H. R. Shoemaker. ........ .Frederick
Garrett. ..................... John H. Carter. ........... .Oakland
Harford. .................... H. M. Carroll. ..............Bel Air
Howard. .....................W. G. Myers. .......... Ellicott City
Kent............. ....... ..... .... ..James D. McVean. ........ .Chestertown
Montgomery. .................O. W. Anderson. ......... .Rockville
Prince George's. ............. P. E. Clark. ....... .Upper Marlboro
Queen Anne's.. .. . .. .. ...........J. W. Eby....... ....... ... Centerville