1933. Legislation enacted relating to the emergency banking situation, and
amending banking laws generally, State Convention to pass upon
proposed repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment, crop liens, chain
stores, legalizing and licensing sale of beer as authorized by
Federal Act, $12,000,000 loan for unemployment relief in Bal-
timore City, economies and reduction in State Budget to enable
reduction in local taxes and a reduction of the State tax rate
from 25c to 22c for 1934 and 1935, being the lowest State tax rate
since 1911. At special election Maryland voted tor repeal by
nearly 160,000 majority.
1933. Special Session of the General Assembly for the control of alcoholic
beverages following the repeal of the 18th Amendment. The
session also enacted legislation for the improvement of criminal
procedure and measures relating to a number of Federal Agencies.
1935. Legislation enacted relating to Old Aged Pensions, Mothers' Pen-
sions, and creating and designating Boards of Welfare to admin-
ister the same; authorizing a Rehabilitation Corporation and
general welfare legislation.
1935. Law enacted, authorizing compensation for three full-time members
of the Department of Public Works (State Roads Commission),
with a view to the elimination of waste, extravagance and a
reduction in operation costs.
1935. Legislation for the creation of a Survey Commission to inquire into
the operations and functions of the various departments, com-
missions, boards and offices of the State Government with a view
to eliminating waste or unnecessary expenditures, to increase
efficiency and co-ordinate the administration of the various de-
partments and agencies of the State.
1935. Law enacted creating State Police to co-operate with other Police
Departments, providing for a Department of Identification,
State Police School, and other matters pertaining to the creation
of an efficient State Police force.
1936. April Special Session. Legislation was passed at this session for Old
Age Pensions, Aid to Dependent Children, Pensions for the
Needy Blind, and a revenue measure to provide the funds for the
above and for relief purposes.
December Special Session. Legislation was enacted at this
session for Unemployment Compensation.
1937. Legislation was enacted providing for the use of Voting Machines
in elections in Baltimore City, Non-profit Hospital Service Plans,
Airport Zoning, Unfair Trade Practices, Pensions for State Em-
ployees, Teletype for State Police and Uniform Laws relating to
Extradition and Fresh Pursuit.
Special Session of 1937. Revised the laws for Aid to Dependent
Children, Old Age Pensions and Pensions for the Needy Blind,
and for taxes to provide funds for paying the same and for relief
1939. Legislation was enacted creating the Department of Budget and
Procurement, the Department of Post Mortem Examiners to re-
place Coroners, the Game & Inland Fish Commission, the Inter-
state Commission on Potomac River Basin, the Legislative Coun-
cil, the State Publicity Commission; enacted uniform laws on Dec-
lararatory Judgments, Principal and Income, and Foreign Laws;
Adopted "Maryland My Maryland" as State Song, submitted
Constitutional Amendment to create People's Court, provided
for the licensing and regulation of Professional Engineers and