Laboratory Technicians 2 1,850.00
Laboratory Helper 1 780.00
Chief, Bureau of Communicable Diseases 1 4 800.00
Diagnostician 1 2 750.00
Stenographer-Secretaries 2 3 000.00
Senior Stenographers 4 5 604.00
Senior Clerks 2 2 784.00
Junior Clerk 1 1 200.00
Physicians, Venereal Disease Clinics 33 14 818.00
Junior Clerks 3 1 266.00
Janitors 7 1500.00
State Food and Drug Commissioner 1 4 800.00
Deputy State Food and Drug Commissioner 1 3 600.00
Stenographer-Secretaries 2 2 800.00
Junior Stenographer 1 1 260.00
Senior Stenographer I I 200..00
Drug Inspectors I I 740.00
Sanitary Inspectors 10 15 640.00
Chief, Bureau of Sanitary Engineering 1 4 800.00
Senior Sanitary Engineers 3 10 260.00
Assistant Sanitary Engineers 4 9 100.00
Junior Assistant Sanitary Engineers 3 5 520.00
Sanitary Engineering Assistant 1 900.00
Stenographer-Secretaries 2 2 772.00
Senior-Stenographer 1 1242.00
Chief, Bureau of Vital Statistics 1 4 800.00
Stenographer-Secretary 1 1800.00
Statistical Assistants 2 2 820.00
Senior Stenographer 1 1 000.00
Principal Clerks 2 2,800.00
Senior Clerks 3 3 940.00
Junior Stenographer 1 1 000.00
Statistical Clerk 1 1 000.00
Deputy State Health Officers 23 44 868.00
Senior Stenographers 5 4 228.00
Junior Stenographers 21 14,848.00
Chief, Bureau of Child Hygiene 1 4,800.00
Stenographer Secretary 1 1,800.00
Senior Stenographer 1 1,500.00
Physicians, Child Hygiene Clinics 1,425.00
Chief Division of Oral Hygiene 1 4,500.00
Senior Typist 1 1,680.00
Per Diem of Board Members 7 800.00
Special Payments 2 1,200.00
Chief, Division of Legal Administration 1 4,800.00
Senior Stenographer, Division of Legal Administration 1 1,520.00
Chief Bedding Inspector, Division of Legal Administration 1 1,800.00
Bedding Inspector, Div. of Legal Administration 1 1,400.00
Asst. Chemist, Div. of Legal Administration 1 1,200.00
Engineer, Occupational Diseases 1 3,500.00
Stenographer, Occupational Diseases 1 1,500.00
Chairman of State Roads Commission..Director of Public
Works 1 $10,000.00
Commission Members 2 10,000.00
Secretary..State Roads Commission 1 4,200.00