Dr. John H. Engel Baltimore
Dr. John D. Gadd Towson
Dr. Thomas Ladson, President Olney
The Governor appoints five for four years from the first Monday in
May. (Bagby Code, Art. 43, Sec. 136.)
The State Veterinary Medical Board is authorized to issue licenses
entitling the holders thereof to practice veterinary medicine and surg-
ery in the State of Maryland. It shall be unlawful for any person or
persons to practice veterinary medicine or surgery in the State of
Maryland without having previously obtained a diploma from a college
duly authorized to grant such to students of veterinary medicine and
surgery and who shall also pass a satisfactory examination before the
State Veterinary Medical Board. The Board is required to examine
all diplomas as to their genuineness, and each applicant shall submit
to a theoretical and practical examination before the Board. It is the
duty of the Board to keep a register of all practitioners qualified to
practice veterinary medicine and surgery or any branches thereof in
the State, and have said register open to the public at all reasonable
Address: Frederick A. Kloch, 1172 Cleveland St., Baltimore..30, Md,
Name. Term Expires.
Dr. L. Hickman................. Veterinarian ............... 1945
Conrad Einschutz............... Master .................... 1944
William Beatty. ................ Journeyman ............... .1945
Frederick A. Kloch. ............. Journeyman ............... .1945
John J. Miller. ................ ..Master ................... .1945
The Governor appoints five members of this Board for four years
from the date of their appointment. One shall be a Veterinarian, two
shall be Master Horseshoers and two shall be Journeyman Horse-
shoers. (Ch. 491,1898.)
It is the duty of this Board to hold regular meetings in the months
of May and November in each year, for the examination of persons
desiring to practice horseshoeing, as Journeyman or Master Horse-
shoers. The requirements of said examiners shall be furnished to all
persons desiring to be examined for such certificates, and the appli-
cant, if on examination shall be found to possess the said require-
ments, shall be granted a certificate by this Board upon the pay-
ment of a fee of five dollars.
Warehouse, Charles and Conway Streets, Baltimore-1, Md.
Name. Postoffice..
Russell C. Turner Gambrills
The Governor, without Senate confirmation, appoints one for two
years from first Monday in March. (Ch. 39, 1920.)
Chapter 39 of the Acts of 1920 provided that the Tobacco Inspector
who has heretofore been appointed by the State Board of Agriculture,
should be appointed by the Governor. The Inspector of Tobacco must