827 N. Charles Street, Baltimore..1, Md.
Secretary, Dr. T. L. McCarriar.
Name Postoffice Term Expires
Dr. T. L. McCarriar . . ... ........ ... .Baltimore.... . ..... .. . .......1949
Mr. William E. Trail .............. .. . ......Frederick............... ... ........... .... 1949
Dr. James H. Ferguson, Jr. ........... .Baltimore......... . . ...... . 1945
Dr. B. Lucien Brun............. .......... .. Baltimore....... ... ............. 1945
Dr. D. C. Blevins... ....... ..... ..Centreville................... ..1947
Dr. A. P. Dixon................ .. ......Cumberland...... ...................1947
The Governor appoints six; two biennially for a term of years from
the first Monday in May, from a list of four practicing dentists fur-
nished by the Maryland State Dental Association. (Bagby Code,
Art. 32, Sec. 2.)
The paramount duty of the Dental Board, as provided by the Den-
tal Practice Act of this State, is to regulate the practice of Dentistry
in Maryland by testing the qualifications of candidates.
It requires that all applicants for license shall be 21 years of age
and shall be graduates of dental colleges duly incorporated to grant
degrees in Dental Surgery by the laws of one of the United States
or Canada.
Two annual examinations are held..lasting three days each..
one being in the spring, the other in the fall. Each applicant for
examination files with the Secretary of the Board a sworn state-
ment setting forth his age, name and address, college or graduation,
etc., together with the examination fee of twenty dollars.
The examinations are both theoretical (written) and practical.
Address Secretary, 2411 North Charles Street, Baltimore-18, Md..
Name Postoffice Term Expires
Lloyd N. Richardson, President............Bel Air.......................................... 1948
L. M. Kantner, Secy.-Treas........ ... ... ..Baltimore....... .................... . .... .1944
T. Ellsworth Ragland.................. ........Baltimore.............. ........... .... .....1945
Robert J. Spittel ................. ... . .. .. ... Catonsville ..................... ........ .....1946
Dr. Samuel E. Webster.. ..... . .. Cambridge............... .1947
The Governor appoints five, one annually, for a term of five years.
Two shall be residents of Baltimore City and three residents of the
counties. (Ch. 179,1902.)
This Board is for the purpose of examining all candidates that
might present themselves for an examination as Pharmacists.
The Board keeps a record of all registered Pharmacists and reg-
istered Assistant Pharmacists of Maryland.
The members of the State Board of Pharmacy and the duly author-
ized agents and employees of the State Department of Health, have
the power to inspect in a lawful manner every prescription compounded
or dispensed at any pharmacy or drug store and/or medicines, drugs,
drug products or domestic remedies and to fully inspect any pharmacy