The Board of Trustees shall consist of five members as follows:
The State Budget Director, ex-officio, The State Comptroller, ex-
officio, The State Employment Commissioner, Ex-officio, The State
Treasurer, ex-officio, and One member of the Retirement System who
shall be appointed for a term of four years by the Board of Public
Walter D. Owens, Chairman
Charles D. Harris
George W. Read
James A. Downey
Walter N. Kirkman (ex-officio)
Charles P. McCormick
Joseph O'C. McCusker (ex-officio)
Chapter 395..Laws of 1941
There is hereby created a Board to be known' as the State Em-
ployees Standard Salary Board to consist of ten members. One mem-
ber of said Board shall be the Director of the Budget, one member
shall be the Commissioner of State Employment and Registration;
one member shall be the Chief Deputy Comptroller; and four mem-
bers shall be persons who are not employees of the State, or of any
subdivision thereof, who are familiar with industrial and commercial
employment and pay policies in the State, and who shall be appointed
by the Governor for a six-year term.
After consultation with appointing authorities, the State Employee
Standard Salary Board shall prepare and recommend to the Governor a pay
plan for all classes of positions in both the Classified and Unclassified Service
to the end that all positions in such services involving comparable duties,
experience, responsibilities and authority shall be paid in accordance with
the standard salary schedule. ***** Each employee in the Classified and
in the Unclassified Service shall be paid at one of the rates so forth in the
pay plan for the grade or class of positions in which he is employed. The
pay plan shall be used by the Governor in the preparation and submittion
of his budget.
The State Employees Standard Salary Board shall formulate rules and
regulations for the administration of this Act which shall include provisions
for automatic increases, for minimum to maximum, of the rates established
by the schedule; and such rules shall, after approval by the Governor have
the force of law in the same manner as other conditions herein prescribed."
Court of Appeals, Annapolis, Md.
Name. Postoffice.
F. W. C. Webb, Chairman. ............................ .Salisbury
Raymond S. Williams, Secretary, 1604 First National Bank. . . .Baltimore
Parsons Newman............................................... Frederick
The Board consists of three members appointed by the Court of
Appeals for terms of three years, and a member of the Board is ap-
pointed annually.
The Court of Appeals prescribes rules for a uniform system of
examinations in this State, both for registration and for admission
to the Bar; and for fees to be paid by the applicant taking examina-