to include, besides the Secretary of State, the following: Parole
Commissioner, The Commissioner of the Land Office, The Superinten-
dent of Public Buildings, The Department of Legislative Reference,
The Commissioners for Uniform Laws, The State Librarian.
The Secretary of State, ill addition to his statutory duties, is the
General Secretary to the Governor. The statutory duties of the Sec-
retary are briefly as follows: His attestation of the Governor's signa-
ture to all public documents, commissions, pardons, warrants, procla-
mations and the many other papers and certificates is required; he is
the custodian of the records of the Executive Department Certificates;
nomination of certain political candidates are required to be filed
in his office and their names certified by him to the Election Super-
visors for placement upon the ballot; he is a member of the Board of
State Canvassers and prepares that Board's minutes and certifications,
in addition to keeping the records of their meetings and of the election
returns: employees of legislative counsels and agents are required to
certify to him, under oath, whatever expenses have been incurred by
them in connection with their activities for or against legislation be-
fore the General Assembly; he is the custodian of the Great Seal of the
State; railroad leases are filed in his office.
It is the duty of the Secretary of State to carry out the Federal and
State laws in regard to absentee voting for persons in the Armed Services.
Applications from persons in the Armed Services for such ballots should be
directed to the Secretary of State. He is also Chairman of the Governor's
Committee on Intergovernmental cooperation.
For the purpose of promoting co-ordination and effective super-
vision over the conduct of the State Government, the following shall
constitute an Advisory Council for the Governor. (Ch. 29, 1922.)
The State Comptroller:
Hon. J. Millard Tawes Crisfield, Md.
The State Treasurer:
Hooper S. Miles Baltimore, Md.
The Attorney General:
William C. Walsh Cumberland, Md.
The Chairman of the State Board of Education:
Tasker G. Lowndes Cumberland, Md.
The President of the State Board of Agriculture and of the
University of Maryland:
Dr. Harry Clifton Byrd College Park, Md.
The Department of Correction:
Charles T. LeViness, 3d Baltimore, Md.
The Department of Public Welfare:
W. Wallace Lanahan Baltimore, Md.
The Director of Health:
Dr. Robert H. Riley Baltimore, Md.