Population..1940 Census, 1,821,244.
Area..12,300.21 square miles; 9,870.32 land, 2,429.89 water.
Allegany Cecil Howard Somerset
Anne Arundel Charles Kent Talbot
Baltimore Dorchester Montgomery Washington
Calvert Frederick Prince George's Wicomico
Caroline Garrett Queen Anne's Worcester
Carroll Harford St. Mary's
Baltimore City has the status of both a city and county.
Original charter..1632.
Founded by Cecil Calvert, Second Lord Baltimore..1634.
Named after Queen Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I of England.
First Settlement..St. Mary's.
One of original Thirteen Colonies.
Dimensions of State..Extends 200 miles along Pennsylvania boundary
and varies from 2 to 130 miles in length.
Chesapeake Bay..180 miles in length and from 3 to 30 miles in width.
Principal rivers..Susquehanna, Potomac, Patapsco, Patuxent, Severn.
Wicomico, Sassafras, Chester, Choptank, Nanticoke, Pocomoke, Tred
Avon, Wye, Miles, Elk, North East and Bohemia.
Maryland has more river frontage than any other State in the Union.
Baltimore's harbor has approximately 40 miles of deep water frontage.
The City is the country's second port in import tonnage and total foreign
trade. It is also one of the leading Atlantic and Gulf ports in the hand-
ling of intercoastal traffic moving through the Panama Canal.
The Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and the Elk River furnish a short in-
land water route from the Chesapeake Bay to the Delaware River. The
canal was first constructed in 1829 by the States of Maryland, Delaware,
and Pennsylvania and the Federal Government. This 15-mile sea-level
waterway was purchased by the Federal Government in 1919 at a cost of
$2,600,000. The canal was recently improved to accommodate deep-
draft vessels in the coastwise, intercoastal and overseas trades. It now has
a navigable depth of 27 feet and a bottom project width of 260 feet.
Approximately 14,000 ships, carrying over 3,760,000 cargo tons, moved
through the canal in 1940.
Typical elevations in Western Maryland counties..Garrett County: Great
Backbone Mountain, 3,340 feet; Eagle Rock, 3,162 feet; Meadow Moun-
tain, 3,031 feet; Sampson Rock, 2,942 feet. Allegany County; Dan's
Rock, 2,898 feet; Wolf Rock, 2,796 feet; Warrier Mountain, 2,136 feet;
Town Hill, 2,000 feet. Washington County: Quirauk, 2,146 feet; Fairview
Mountain, 1,700 feet; Sideling Hill, 1,640 feet; Maryland Heights, 1,468
feet. Frederick County: Bob's Hill, 1,710 feet; South Mountain 1,700
feet; Eagle Mountain 1,660 feet; Round Top, 1,640 feet.
Maryland packs more tomatoes than any other State in the Union, ranks
first in the production of black muskrat pelts, the choicest in the market,
and next to Louisiana in the production of all muskrat pelts and is one
of the leading strawberry, spinach and sweet potato producing and vege-
table canning states.