No. 14. One Flag of the Thirteenth Regiment Infantry, Mary-
land Volunteers, composed of Veterans of the First Regiment Potomac
Home Brigade Infantry Maryland Volunteers and Recruits, organized
March 1st, 1865.
No. 15. Two Flags of the Purnell Legion, Maryland Volunteers,
recruited under the auspices of the Hon. William H. Purnell, at Pikes-
ville Arsenal, between October 31st, 1861, and December 31st, 1861.
The Regiment Legion was raised under special authority of the Secre-
tary of War to serve three years.
No. 16. Two Flags of the Second Regiment Infantry, Potomac
Home Brigade, organized at Cumberland from August 27, to October
31, 1861, to serve for three years.
No. 17. One Flag of the Third Regiment Infantry, Potomac Home
Brigade, organized May 20, 1862, various companies being recruited
in Allegany County, Frederick County, Hagerstown and Baltimore.
The Regiment was recruited to serve three years.
No. 18. One Flag of the First Eastern Shore Infantry, Maryland
Volunteers, organized at Cambridge, September, 1861, to serve for
three years.
No. 19. Two Flags of the Second Eastern Shore Infantry, Mary-
land Volunteers, organized at Chestertown in December, 1861, to serve
three years.
No. 20. Three Flags of the First Regiment, Potomac Home Brigade
Cavalry, "Cole's Cavalry," organized August 10 to November 27, 1861.
This Cavalry assumed the name of its commander, Henry A. Cole, and
the original battalion was recruited in Western Maryland. It partici-
pated in over seventy-five engagements .
No. 21. Two Flags of the First Regiment Cavalry, Maryland Vol-
unteers, mustered into service for three years in June, 1862.
No. 22. Two Flags of the Third Regiment Cavalry, Maryland Vol-
unteers, organized in January, 1864, and known as the "Bradford
Dragoons," in compliment to Governor Augustus W. Bradford. It par-
ticipated in the Red River Campaign.
No. 23. Guidon of Battery A, 1st Maryland Volunteers.
No. 24. Two Flags of Battery A, Maryland Light Artillery, organ-
ized at Baltimore and Pikesville, September, 1861, to serve three years
and known as "Rigby's Battery."
No. 25. One Flag of Battery B, Maryland Light Artillery, organ-
ized at Baltimore and Pikesville in October, 1861, to serve three years
and known as "Snow's Battery."
No. 26. One Flag of Baltimore Battery, Light Artillery Maryland
Volunteers, organized in Baltimore during the summer of 1862, and
known as "Alexander's."
No. 27. The Old "Gosnell Flag" created in Baltimore, April 19 and
Confederate Emblems.
No. 28. The Garrison Flag used by the Maryland Line at the
Camp of Hanover Junction during the winter of 1863-1864.
No. 29. Garrison Flag presented by Miss Lyle Clark, of Balti-