The Extension Service is represented in each county of the State
by a county agent and in all but a few counties by a home demonstra-
tion agent. Through these agents and its staff of specialists, the Ex-
tension Service comes into intimate contact with rural people and
with the problems of the farm and home.
Practically every phase of agriculture and rural home life comes
within the scope of the work undertaken by the Extension Service.
Farmers are supplied with details of crop and livestock production, and
with instructions for controlling disease and insect pests; they are en-
couraged and aided in organized effort, helped with marketing prob-
lems, and in every way possible assisted in improving economic con-
ditions on the farm.
Rural women are likewise assisted in the problems of the home.
They are made acquainted with time and labor-saving devices, with
simpler and easier methods of work, with new knowledge of foods,
with new ideas about home furnishing, with practical methods of home
sewing and millinery construction, and with such other information as
tends to make rural home life attractive and satisfying.
For rural boys and girls, the Extension Service provides a valuable
type of instruction in agriculture and home economics through its 4-H
Club work. The instruction is incident to actual demonstrations con-
ducted by the boys and girls themselves. These demonstrations, under
supervision of the county and home demonstration agents, are the best
possible means of imparting to youthful minds valuable information in
crop and livestock production and in the household arts. The 4-H Club
work, moreover, affords rural boys and girls a very real opportunity
to develop the qualities of self-confidence, perseverance, and leader-
The Extension Service works in accord with all other branches of
the University of Maryland and with all agencies or the United States
Department of Agriculture. It co-operates with all farm and commu-
nity organizations in the State which have as their major object the
improvement of agriculture and rural life; and it aids in every way
possible in making effective the regulatory work and other measures
instituted by the State Board of Agriculture.
General Extension
This phase of the extension service of the University is conducted
in co-operation with the United States Bureau of Education and is in-
tended to make the Liberal Arts and branches of the curriculum, other
than Agriculture and Home Economics, of greater service to the people
of the State.
Agricultural Experiment Station.
The agricultural work of the University naturally comprises three
fields: research, instruction, and extension. The Agricultural Experi-
ment Station is the research agency of the University, which has for
its purpose the increase of knowledge relating to agriculture, pri-
marily for the direct benefit of the farmer. It is also the real source
of agricultural information for use in the classroom and for demon-
strations in the field. The Experiment Station work is supported by
both State and Federal appropriations.
The objects, purposes, and work of the Experiment Stations as set
forth by various Federal Acts are as follows:
"That it shall be the object and duty of said Experiment Stations
to conduct original researches or verify experiments on the physiology