The duty of this Board is to examine into and ascertain the best
means to effect uniformity in the laws of the States and especially
to meet with representatives appointed by other States in a conven-
tion, known as "The National Conference of Commissioners on Uni-
form State Laws," to draft laws to be submitted for the approval
and adoption of the several States, and to recommend such action as
shall best accomplish promotion of such uniform legislation.
The Commissioners receive no salary but are allowed their actual
disbursements for expenses, not to exceed, however, in the aggregate
the amount of the appropriation made from time to time in the budget.
College Ave. and St. John's Street, Annapolis
Commissioners Postoffice.
Hon. Herbert R. O'Conor, Governor.............. Annapolis
Hon. J. Millard Tawes, Jr., Comptroller............ Crisfield
Hon. Carroll T. Bond, Chief Judge Court of Appeals. Baltimore
Dr. Isaiah Bowman, President Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Frank Stringfellow Barr, President St. John's College
Dr. J. Hall Pleasants, President Board Peabody Institute
Hon. George L. Radcliffe, President Maryland Historical Society
Chairman of the Board:
Hon. Carroll T. Bond............................. Baltimore
Dr. Morris L. Radoff. ............................ .Annapolis
Miss M. Joan Knight, Secretary.................. Baltimore
Archival Assistant:
Miss Elizabeth W. Meade. ................ ......... .Ashton
General Assistants:
Miss Katherine H. Held............................ Towson
Mrs. Josephine Jickling. ........................ .Annapolis
Gust Skordas................................... Annapolis
Repair and Reproduction
Mrs. Ruth A. Krebs............................. Annapolis
Mrs. Jane R. Moss.............................. Annapolis
Allison C. Trader. ................................ .Revells
The Hall of Records Commission was created by Chapter 18, Acts
of 1936. It is composed of: The Governor of Maryland, the State
Comptroller, the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, the President
of the Johns Hopkins University, the President of St. John's College,
the President of the Maryland Historical Society, and the President
of the Board of Trustees of the Peabody Institute of Baltimore.
The Commission supervises and controls the Hall of Records build-
ing and appoints the Archivist who has charge of the active manage-
ment of the building and contents.
Among the records now housed in the Hall of Records are the en-
grossed laws of Maryland, the large collection of materials, including