home in which two or more persons beyond the age of 65 shall be cared
for and for which a charge is made, except with respect to persons
caring for relatives. It is the official representative of the State in
regard to charitable matters and has the administration of the laws
regarding the placement of children in this State by out-of-State
agencies, and the supervision of the law prohibiting the separation of
infants from their mothers during the first six months after birth.
The State Department is authorized to create or continue in each
county a County Welfare Board, constituting an administrative de-
partment of the local government, "with authority to administer, under
the supervision, direction and control of the State Departments, Aid
to Dependent Children, Old Age Assistance, Public Assistance to the
Needy Blind, General Public Assistance, Child Welfare Services under
the Social Security Act, the investigation and certification of persons
eligible for employment on projects of the Works Projects Adminis-
tration, Public Works Administration and Civilian Conservation Corps,
and to administer, handle and distribute Federal Surplus commodities,
as well as work relief and services to families and individuals in need,
and the care of neglected, dependent and delinquent children, which
care shall include the rendering of probation service to juvenile courts
or other courts having jurisdiction over minors. Each County Board
consists of seven persons, one of whom shall be a County Commis-
sioner. Appointments to vacancies occuring in 1939, 1940 and 1941
shall be for the term of one, two and three years, respectively. There-
after all appointments shall be for six-year terms.
327 St. Paul Place, Baltimore Maryland
Thomas J. S. Waxter, Director
Advisory Committee
Term of
Members Address Service
Howard W. Jackson,
Mayor. ............... ..City Hall. ............... .Ex-Officio Member
Baltimore, Md.
Dr. Huntington Williams. Municipal Building.... Ex-Officio Member
Baltimore, Md.
Francis A. Davis,
Chairman. . ...... 119 S. Howard Street. . . September 30, 1940
Baltimore, Md.
Cleveland R. Bealmear....16 E. Lexington St...... September 30, 1940
Baltimore, Md.
William L. Galvin. . . . . . ..815 Mercantile ......... .September 30, 1940
Trust Bldg., Baltimore, Md.
Mrs. Arthur Pacy. ......... 1606 Johnson Street. . . . September 30, 1940
Baltimore, Md.
Dr. H. S. McCard. ...... .2029 Druid Hill Ave. . . September 30, 1942
Baltimore, Md.
Dr. Esther L. Richards. .Johns Hopkins Hospital. September 30, 1942
Baltimore, Md.
L. Edwin Goldman. .... First National. ...... September 30, 1944
Bank Bldg., Baltimore, Md.
Organization Date: January 10, 1935