License Commissioners, Baltimore City 169
Live Stock Sanitary Service 49
Loans Administrator 131
Lords Proprietary of Maryland 454
Maryland Commission to Represent the State at the New York
World's Fair, 1939 128
Maryland Cooperation Commission 129
Maryland Deputy State and County Health Officers 76-77
Maryland County Agriculture Agents 40
Maryland Emergency Housing and Park Commission 126
Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission 119
Maryland National Guard 54
Maryland Penitentiary 58
Maryland in Congress 474
Maryland House of Correction 58
Maryland Publicity Commission 132
Maryland Public Library Advisory Commission 31
Maryland Racing Commission 113
Maryland School for Boys 33
Maryland School for the Deaf 32
Maryland State Flag (illustration) between pages 138-139
Maryland State Game and Inland Fish Committee 91
Maryland State Health Department 73
Maryland State House, built 1772 (illustration) 73
Maryland State Penal Farm 58
Maryland State Police 86
Maryland State Planning Commission 125
Maryland Tercentenary Memorial Commission 123
Maryland, The Great Seal of (illustration) 441
Maryland Traffic Safety Committee 138
Maryland Training School for Boys 33
Maryland Training School for Colored Girls 124
Maryland Tuberculosis Sanatoria 72
Maryland, University of 35
Maryland Veterans' Commission 57
Maryland Water Front Commission 124
Maryland Workshop for the Blind 115
Medical Examining Board 105
Medical State Board of Industrial Accident Commission 83
Mental Hygiene, State Board of 61
Miles, Hooper Steele (Sketch) 395
Military Staff, Governor's 6
Military Department 54
Militia Law of Maryland 66
Miners' Hospital, Board 116
Mines, Bureau of 98
Montgomery County—Appointed and Elected Officers 248
Montrose School for Girls 34
Motion Picture Censors 112
Motor Vehicles Commissioner 84
Moving Picture Operator Examiners 105
National Capital Park and Planning Commission 118
National Committeemen and Committeewomen 000
Negroes, Commission on Scholarships for 122