consent of the Senate; two bi-ennially for a term of six years from
the first day in May. (Bagby Code, Art. 44, Sec. 16.)
Patients are received upon order of the Department of Public
Welfare of Baltimore City, and the various County Commissioners,
who pay the hospital $125.00 per capita per annum, the certificates
of two physicians being required in all cases.
The institution grounds now cover 1,255 acres. There are 2,825
patients in the hospital cared for in 28 detached cottages, and 517
on parole.
Catonsville, Baltimore County.
Charles W. Galloway
President. ....................... ..Baltimore, ........................... ..1943
William G. Knapp,
Vice-President. ................. Catonsville ............................. ..1941
G. Herbert Rice, Secretary
Treasurer. .......................... Catonsville ........................... 1943
Dr. J. Sterling Geatty. ...... ..New Windsor. .................... .1943
John W. Farrell. .................. .Baltimore ............................ ..1941
Mrs. Walter E. Perry. ........ Bethesda .......... .............. 1945
Dr. Lester P. Goodhand. ...... Baltimore ....................... .1945
Herbert L. Rhodes. ........... Baltimore ............................ 1945
Robart J. Spittel. ................... ..Catonsville ................ .1941
Dr. Silas W. Weltmer, Superintendent.
The Governor, with consent of the Senate, appoints nine; three bi-
annually, for a term of six years, from the first Monday in May.
(Bagby Code, Art. 44, Sec. 1.)
This Institution was founded in 1797 and is the third oldest Hospi-
tal of its kind in the United States. It was located on the site now
occupied by the Johns Hopkins Hospital for many years and was
moved to its present location near Catonsville in 1872.
Capacity, 1,736.
Patients are received upon order of the Department of Public Wel-
fare and County Commissioners, accompanied by certificates of two
physicians, who have practiced for five years or more. Police Magis-
trates may also commit patients for a limited period for observation.
Crownsville, Maryland
Name. Postoffice. Term Expires.
Frederick T. Dorton. ............... ..Baltimore City. ............... .1941
William P. Gundry. ............... Catonsville .................. ..1941
A. Gordon Boone........................... Govans ................................ 1943
Sam W. Pattison. ....................... Baltimore City. .............. 1943
Mrs. John L. Sanford. ................ Baltimore ......................... 1945
James A. Walton........................ Annapolis ..............................1945
Superintendent Dr. Robert P. Winterode.
Governor, with the consent of the Senate, appoints six, two bi-en-
nially for a term of six years from the first day in May. Governor,
Comptroller and Treasurer are ex-officio members of this Board. (Ch.