Councilmanic Districts are so laidout by the said Commissioners
as hereinbefore directed, it shall be the duty of the said Commis-
sioners to make or cause to be made in a proper book, a careful
description of the boundaries of each of said Councilmanic Dis-
tricts numbered under its proper number and after making a
careful and exact copy of the same in another proper book, and
after varifying the said original book and the said copy by
their signatures, to deposit the original book in the Clerk's
Office of the Superior Court of Baltimore City, and to be
recorded by him among the Land Records in his Office, and
a copy of the description or descriptions contained in the
said record of the boundaries or any one or more Councilmanic
Districts therein mentioned and described, shall be evidence of
the boundaries of such Councilmanic District or Districts so
laid out as aforesaid, and the copy of said original book so made
and so verified, as aforesaid, shall be deposited with the Board
of Supervisors of Election of Baltimore City to be retained
among the records of the said Board. Said Commissioners shall
perform and complete duties herein imposed upon them on or
before the 15th day of February, 1923. When said book con-
taining the said descriptions of the said Councilmanic Districts
of the City of Baltimore so laid out as aforesaid, has been de-
posited for record in the Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of
Baltimore City, then the said Councilmanic Districts as in
said book described and laid out shall thereafter be deemed
to be the several Councilmanic Districts of Baltimore City.
216. The City Council shall meet annually on the Thurs-
day next after the third Monday in May and may continue
in session for one hundred and twenty days and no longer in
each year; provided that they may by ordinance or resolution
so arrange their sittings that the same may be held continuously
or otherwise, and provided further that the Mayor may con-
vene the City Council in extra session as he may now do by the
fourth section of the eleventh article of the State Constitution.
SECTION 1. On demand of the Mayor of Baltimore and
City Council of the City of Baltimore, or on petition bearing
the signatures of not less than 20 per cent of the registered
voters of said city or any county (provided, however, that
in any case 10,000 signatures shall be sufficient to complete
a petition), the Board of Election Supervisors of said city
* Added by Chapter 416, 1914, ratified November 2, 1915.