In pursuance of the power conferred by Article XI-A of
the Constitution and by Chapter 555 Acts of 1920, the voters
of Baltimore City adopted the following amendment to the
City Charter at the November election 1922:
209. The Legislative Department of the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore shall be vested in the City Council, which
shall consist of a single chamber.
210. The City Council shall consist of nineteen members,
one of whom shall be the President thereof, and shall possess
the qualifications and be elected as hereinafter provided. The
other eighteen members shall be elected from the six Council-
manic Districts, three from each district, as hereinafter pro-
The members of the City Council, except the President
thereof, shall be citizens of the United States, above the age
of twenty-one years, residents of the City of Baltimore three
years prior to their election, and for the same time residents
of the Councilmanic District for which they are elected, and
assessed with property to the amount of three hundred dollars
($300.00) each, who have paid taxes on the same one year prior
to their election, and they shall hold office for four years. Each
member of the City Council shall be paid a salary of fifteen
hundred dollars ($1,500.00) per annum, payable monthly.
211. The Election for members of the City Council shall
be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in May
in the year 1923, and upon every fourth year thereafter. Their
terms of office shall be for four years. Said election shall be
held by Councilmanic Districts and no person shall be entitled
to vote for any member of the City Council except for the mem-
ber for the Councilmanic District of which the voter is a resi-
dent. The members of the First Branch and Second Branch of
the City Council now in office shall hold office until their success-
ors have been elected under the provisions of this Charter and
have duly qualified.
212. There shall be elected on the Tuesday next after the
first Monday in May, 1923, and upon every fourth year there-
after, from the City at large, a person to be the President of
the City Council who shall possess the qualifications required
and hereinbefore defined of the Mayor of the City of Baltimore.
His duty shall be to preside over the City Council and vote on
all questions and perform such other duties as may be prescribed
by ordinances not inconsistent with this Charter. He shall be