in reference thereto, shall be continued in force, except so far as
it may be inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitu-
tion; and the registry of voters, made in pursuance thereof,
may be corrected, as provided in said law; but the names
of all persons shall be added to the list of qualified voters by
the officers of Registration, who have the qualifications pre-
scribed in the first section of this Article, and who are not
disqualified under the provisions of the second and third sections
SEC. 6. Every person elected or appointed to any office of
profit or trust, under this Constitution, or under the laws, made
pursuant thereof, shall, before he enters upon the duties of such
office, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation:
I,—, do swear, (or affirm, as the case may be) that I
will support the Constitution of the United States; and that I
will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the State of Mary-
land, and support the Constitution and Laws thereof; and that
I will, to the best of my skill and judgment, diligently and
faithfully, without partiality or prejudice, execute the office of
—, according to the Constitution and Laws of this
State, (and if a Governor, Senator, Member of the House of
Delegates, or Judge), that I will not, directly or indirectly,
receive the profits or any part of the profits of any other office
during the term of my acting as—.
SEC. 7. Every person hereafter elected or appointed to
office in this State, who shall refuse or neglect to take the
oath or affirmation of office provided for in the sixth section
of this Article, shall be considered as having refused to accept
the said Office; and a new election or appointment shall be
made; as in case of refusal to accept, or resignation of any
office; and any person violating said oath shall, on conviction
thereof, in a Court of Law, in addition to the penalties now or
hereafter to be imposed by law, be thereafter incapable of hold-
ing any of office profit or trust in this State.
SECTION 1. The executive power of the State will be
vested in a Governor, whose term of office shall commence
on the second Wednesday of January next ensuing his elec-
tion, and continue for four years, and until his successor
shall have qualified; but the Governor chosen at the first
election under this Constitution shall not enter upon the
discharge of the duties of the office until the expiration of