Stationery for Members............................ 3,000.00
Mileage of Chief Clerk, Journal Clerk, Reading Clerk and
Sergeant-at-Arms not to exceed $200.00 at the rate pro-
vided by law for the House of Delegates. ........... 200.00
Stamps for Members. .................................. 3,000.00
Stamps for Chief Clerk. ..................................... 25.00
Stationery for Chief Clerk, Journal Clerk and Reading
Clerk ............................................ 75.00
Extra expenses for Speaker after Session..................... 3.00.00
Extra services for Chief Clerk after Session.............. 200.00
Extra services of Journal Clerk after the Session........ 200..00
Drinking water, cups, soap, towels, etc................. 100.00
Miscellaneous General Contingent Fund............... 1,250.00
Stationery for use of Officers and Committees.......... 600.00
Extra services of Chairman of Claims Committee after
Session .......................................... 200.00
Expenses of Legislature in General:
Indexing Laws...................................... 300.00
Books for Committees and House of Delegates.......... 500.00
Indexing House and Senate Journals. ................... 600.00
Recording Laws with Clerk of Court of Appeals. ....... 650.00
Printing for Legislature of 1939 (including Third Reading
Bills) .......................................... 30,000.00
Publishing Public General Laws...................... 12,500.00
Fitting Chambers of Senate and House of Delegates for
Session of 1939 (including rental of typewriters) .... 1,000.00
Copying and Arranging for Publishing of Laws of 1939. 750.00
Extra cleaning of State House. ........................ 1,500.00
Telephone Service................................... 6,000.00
For Stationery and Supplies for Members and Committees 4,000.00
Legislative Storekeeper.............................. 600.00
Total Appropriations from General Funds.......... $210,214.00