Lawyer in Baltimore City:
Harold Tschudi, Baltimore, 1939.
Eastern Shore Lawyer:
Frederick R. Owens, Denton, 1939.
Western Shore Lawyer:
Ellsworth E. Roulette, Hagerstown, 1939.
The acts of 1931, Chapter 323, authorized the appointment by the
Governor of a Magistrate for Juvenile Causes in each of the counties
of the State, except Allegany, Washington and Baltimore Counties,
provided the Board of County Commissioners decide to have such a
Magistrate, and fix and make provision for the payment of the Magis-
trate's salary.
This law also requires the Governor to appoint a Juvenile Court
Committee for each of the counties to which the law applies. When
one of these counties decides to have a Magistrate for Juvenile
Causes, then it is the duty of the Juvenile Court Committee for that
county to recommend to the Governor qualified persons for the posi-
tion, and after the Magistrate has been appointed the Committee from
time to time is to advise with the Magistrate in respect to the selec-
tion of probation officers and other matters.
In each county the Juvenile Court Committee consists of five mem-
bers, whose terms are four years each.
The Juvenile Court Committees appointed by the Governor for
each of the counties covered by the law are as follows:
(Term Expires)
Mrs. Edna Payne. ............. 1939..................... Annapolis
Louis J. DeAlba. .............. 1939.............. Glen Burnie
Mrs. Joseph Bigelow. .......... 1939. .................. Annapolis
William Lehr. ................ 1941................. Brooklyn
Joseph Steward Griscom. ...... 1941.................. Annapolis
Mrs. Edward Briscoe. ......... 1939......... .Prince Frederick
Mrs. Arthur Dowell............. .1939.............. Prince Frederick
Mrs. Clarence Hutchins. ....... 1939. ................. Barstow
Mrs. Clarence Davis........... 1941................ Solomons
Mrs. Barnes Lusby............ 1941................... Olivet
J. Spencer Lapham................ 1939......................... Goldsboro
D. Thompson Swing. ........... ..1939. ................... Ridgely
Mrs. Harry H. Nuttle. .......... .1939. .................. Denton
E. T. Moore. ...................... 1941. .................... Preston
H. B. Messenger................. 1941............. Federalsburg
Dr. Thomas H. Legg. ........... 1939................... Union Bridge
A. Earl Shipley. .............. 1939. ............ Westminster
Mrs. C. Edgar Nusbaum. ............ 1939............. New Windsor
Mrs. Chester R. Hobbs. ............. 1941. ...... .......... ......Mt. Airy
Mrs. Frank T. Myers. ......... 1941................... Westminster