years, and shall have been in responsible charge of important engi-
neering work for at least five (5) years.
Name. Term Expires. Address.
John R. Baker.................. 1940........................... Baltimore
Capt. Vinton D. Cockey. ..... ..1941. ......................... Laurel
Sheppard T. Powell. ...... .1942. ...................... Baltimore
F. O. Schnure. ............... 1943....................... Sparrows Point
Dr. A. G. Christie............... 1944................................ Baltimore
(Ch. 262—Acts of 1939)
The Governor shall, on or before September 1, 1939, appoint not
less than five (5) nor more than ten (10) persons who shall constitute
a commission to be called the Maryand Tax Revision Commission of
1939. The members of the said commission shall serve without pay and
not more than two-thirds ( 2/3 ) of them shall be members of the same
political party. The Governor may, at any time, remove any of said
members for neglect of duty or misconduct in office.
This commission was created by Chapter 262 of the Acts of 1939
and further provides that it shall be its duty to investigate thoroughly
the systems of state, county and municipal taxation enforced in this
Name. Address.
William L. Rawls, (Chairman) ....... ..Md. Trust Bldg., Baltimore
Francis J. Carey. ............................................... ..Baltimore
Huntington Cairns....................................................Washington
H. H. Walker Lewis. ........................................ .Baltimore
Oscar Leser............................................................Baltimore
Charles G. Lord.......................................... Cockeysville
Albert L. Sklar. ................................................... ..Baltimore
J. De Weese Carter................................................. Denton
William L. Henderson. .......................................... Baltimore
(Joint Resolution 9,—Act of 1939)
By a joint resolution the Legislature requested the Governor to
appoint a commission or to designate the supervisors of election of
Baltimore City to make a survey of the population of Baltimore City,
and submit recommendations to the General Assembly at its next
session relative to redistricting of the City of Baltimore. The Gov-
ernor is further requested to appoint a commission, of not more than
five (5) persons or in his discretion to designate the supervisors of
election of Baltimore City to act as said commission to make a study
and survey of the population of the several legislative districts of
Baltimore City with a view to revising the boundaries of said districts
in order to secure as nearly as possible an equal population in each
of said districts, and to report back to the General Assembly of Mary..
land at its next session in January, 1941, its recommendations as to
such redistricting, together with any bill or bills to accomplish
said purpose.