with the following Ex-Officio members: The Governor, Chairman
of the Conservation Commission, Chairman of the State Game and
Inland Fish Commission and the State Forester.
The Commission is specifically instructed in its duties in publiciz-
ing the recreational attractions of the State and its natural resources.
The Commission is empowered to name employees to handle its work.
Members of the Commission are:
Ex-Officio Members:
Governor Herbert R. O'Conor
Edwin Warfield, Chairman, Conservation Commission
Garner W. Denmead, Chairman, State Game and Inland Fish
F. W. Besley, The State Forester
E. Lester Muller, Chairman
G. Alfred Peters, Jr.
Max Chambers
Michael J. Prendergast
Joseph S. McGrath
William B. Usilton, III, Executive Secretary
Jane D. Buddecke, Clerical Assistant
The Legislative Council of Maryland was created by Chapter 62
of the Acts of 1939 and consists of fourteen members, selected as
The President of the Senate, who is Chairman of the Council,
and the Speaker of the House of Delegates, who is Vice-Chairman,
the Chairmen of the Finance Committee and Judicial Proceedings
Committee of the Senate, the Ways and Means Committee and Judici-
ary Committee of the House, the Senate and House floor leaders of
the minority party, together with three members of the Senate, to be
appointed by the President of the Senate, and three members of the
House of Delegates, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House, with
the approval of the members of the respective bodies.
The Director of the Department of Legislative Reference is the
Secretary and Director of Research of the Council.
It is the function of the Council to collect information concerning
the government of the State, to receive recommendations and sug-
gestions for legislation or investigation, not only from members of
the Legislature but from the several State officers, boards and com-
missions, and from the public generally.
The Council is authorized to hold hearings and to prepare such
bills as may be necessary to carry out any recommendations which
may be made by the Council.
President of the Senate:
Arthur H. Brice, Chairman. .......................... Betterton
Speaker of the House:
Thomas E. Conlon, Vice-Chairman. ................. .Baltimore
Secretary and Director of Research:
Horace E. Flack,. ..................... City Hall, Baltimore