(Acts 1924, Chapter 537..)
Commission of 10, Governor to appoint five and Mayor of Balti-
more to appoint five, to manage the War Memorial Building in
Baltimore City.
Governor's appointments:
Capt. Richard C. O'Connell, 104th Medical Regiment, Baltimore,
term expires June 30, 1942.
Dr. Hugh H. Young, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, term
expires June 30,1943.
Charles J. Peters, Baltimore, term expires June 30, 1944.
William 1. Norris, Baltimore, term expires June 30, 1941.
Col. D. John Markey, Frederick, term expires June 30, 1940.
(Chapter 27, Acts of 1935)
(Terms Expire, 1939)
Name. Address.
J. Allan Coad, Chairman. ............................................. ..Leonardtown
Mrs. Harry S. Wherrett. ............................................St. Mary's City
Ridgely P. Melvin............................................................ Annapolis
Jas. M. Bennett. ..................................... Philadelphia, Pa.
Steven M. Jones...................................................... Leonardtown
Judge William Mason Sheehan................................ Easton
Miss Elizabeth Chew Williams. .... ......108 W. 39th St., Baltimore
Judge T. Scott Offutt. ........................................ .Towson
Mrs. Edward Shoemaker..................1031 N. Calvert St., Baltimore
Blanchard Randall ...................8 W. Mt. Vernon Place, Baltimore
The Governor appoints not more than ten members of said Com-
mission to serve without pay until the expiration of his term of office
(and thereafter successors shall be appointed every four years).
The duties of said Commission are to see that the "memorial and
site on St. Clement's Island and the memorial erected at Saint Mary's
City, and the said area of ground or park in which the same is to be
erected and also the Leonard Calvert monument heretofore erected
there, and the site of the old Capital and its markers" are kept in good
order at a reasonable cost not exceeding $1200.00 per annum.
(Chapter 409, Act of 1935.)
(Amended Ch. 6, Act of Extra Session, 1936.)
(Ch. 143-1939)
John McMullen, Chairman..... 1941.............. Cumberland
(Appointed by the Governor)
Owen E. Hitchins.............. 1945.............. Cumberland
(Appointed by Board of County Commissioners of Allegany County)
George Warnick. .............. 1943.............. Bloomington
(Appointed by Board of County Commissioners of Garrett County)