to a theoretical and practical examination before the Board. It is the
duty of the Board to keep a register of all practitioners qualified to
practice veterinary medicine and surgery or any branches thereof in
the State, and have said register open to the public at all reasonable
The Inspector of Tobacco
Warehouse, Charles and Conway Streets, Baltimore
(Terms Expire 1941.)
Name. Postoffice,
Herman W. Hewitt, Sr...................................... .Valley Lee
Chief Clerk:
Harvey B. Hall.................................................... Edgewater
Governor, without Senate confirmation, appoints one for two years
from first Monday in March. (Ch. 39, 1920.)
Chapter 39 of the Acts of 1920 provided that the Tobacco Inspector
who has heretofore been appointed by the State Board of Agriculture,
should be appointed by the Governor. The Inspector of Tobacco must
be a tobacco grower or a duly qualified leaf-tobacco dealer, and a resi-
dent of one of the tobacco growing counties of the State. He has
charge of the State Tobacco Warehouses and other property connected
therewith in the City of Baltimore.
Receipts for 1938. ................................. .20,832 Hhds.
Shipments for 1938. ................................ ..25,387 "
Stock on hand January 1st, 1939................... 11,872 "
(Chapter 700, Acts of 1939)
The Commissioner of Tobacco Marketing was created by Chapter
700 of the Acts of 1939. Said Commissioner shall be appointed by
the Governor for a term of four (4) years and shall receive an annual
salary of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars ($2500) and shall be allowed
Five Hundred Dollars ($500) for expenses, and shall maintain, an
office in Southern Maryland. He shall have power to grant licenses
to all persons or corporations engaged in buying and selling leaf
tobacco and to revoke said licenses with the right of appeal in the
Circuit Court of the County in which the licensee resides or does busi-
ness. The said commissioner shall have the power to make rules and
regulations as to the manner in which persons and corporations en-
gaged in buying and selling leaf tobacco shall keep their books and
records, which shall be open to inspection by the said commissioner.
Name. Term Expires. Address.
George W. Dorsey. ................. .1943. ....... ..Prince Frederick, Md.