shoers. The requirements of said examiners shall be furnished to all
persons desiring to be examined for such certificates, and the appli-
cant, if on examination shall be found to possess the said require-
ments, he shall be granted a certificate by this Board upon the pay-
ment of a fee of five dollars.
Court of Appeals, Annapolis, Md.
Name. Postoffice.
Alexander Armstrong, Secretary . Baltimore and Hagerstown
James W. Chapman, Jr., Chairman.. ... ... ... Baltimore
F. W. C. Webb ................ ................... ....... ...... .. ......Salisbury
The Board consists of three members appointed by the Court of
Appeals for terms of three years, and a member of the Board is ap-
pointed annually.
The Court of Appeals prescribes rules for a uniform system of
examinations in this state, both for registration and for admission
to the Bar; and for fees to be paid by the applicant taking examina-
tion. All applicants for admission to the Bar are referred by the
Court of Appeals, to which body application is made by petition, to
the State Board of Law Examiners who shall examine the applicant
testing his or her qualifications for admission to the Bar.
The Court of Appeals prescribes rules for a uniform system of
examinations which govern the Board of Law Examiners in the per-
formance of their duties. No one is examined who is not a citizen
and who shall not have studied law in an approved law school in
some part of the United States or in the office of a member of the
Bar of this state for at least three years. On payment of one exami-
nation fee the applicant is entitled to the privilege of three examina-
tions, but no more.
The Board reports its findings in the examination of applicants to
the Court of Appeals, with any recommendation it decides to make.
If the Court of Appeals then finds the applicant qualified to discharge
the duties of an attorney, and to be of good moral character and
worthy to be admitted, the said Court then passes an order admitting
him or her to practice in all the courts of the state.
The practice of medicine in Maryland is regulated and applicants
are examined by two Boards of Medical Examiners, each composed of
eight members and appointed as follows: One Board by the Medical
and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland, and one Board by
the Maryland State Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of
Maryland. (Bagby Code, Art. 43, Sec. 116.)
The following appointed by the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty;
Dr Henry T. Collenberg, President ... ... ... ............. ... ... ... Baltimore
Dr John T. O'Mara, Secretary-Treasurer.......... ... ........... ........Baltimore
Dr W. Allen Griffith............... ............. ..... ......... ..... -........................Berwyn
Dr Thomas R. Chambers . ...... ......... ................................. Baltimore
Dr Erasmus H. Kloman ......................Baltimore
Dr Edward P. Thomas ... .... ... ...... Frederick
Dr John E. Legge............ ......... ........... ..... .. .......................... Baltimore
Dr E. Paul Knotts.............. ............. .. .... ....................................Denton
Office, 1215 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Md.