sergeant mechanic, ten sergeants, fourteen corporals, eighteen offi-
cers, first class, and thirty-eight officers. He shall also maintain such
clerical employees as may be required. He shall designate the author-
ity, responsibility and duties of the various ranks, grades and posi-
tions and, with the approval of the State Employment Commissioner,
shall set standards and qualifications and fix pre-requisites of train-
ing, education and experience. All employees of the Department are
in the classified service except the superintendent. After examination
under the Merit System ana appointment, such appointees, however,
must serve a probationary period of one year, during which time they
are removable in the discretion of the superintendent and are not
within the Merit System.
Six investigators of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles named in
the Act were transferred and rank in the Department as Detective
Sergeants. The physician attached to the Commissioner of Motor
Vehicles was also transferred. All chefs and civilian employees at-
tached to the motorcycle department were transferred.
The Superintendent is empowered to promote employees to the
rank, grade or position in the Department as he may deem necessary
for efficient administration, but no person may be promoted to any
rank, grade or position unless he shall have filled the grade, rank
or position immediately inferior. All promotions up to and including
the rank of sergeant are provided to be departmental, and to such
promotions the Merit System shall not apply. All promotions above
the rank of sergeant must be made in accordance with the provisions
of the Merit System on competitive examination. Employees dis-
charged or resigned are not afterwards eligible for re-appointment.
The superintendent is authorized to organize and maintain a
training school for employees, which training may be made available
to any local unit within the State. He is also authorized to formulate
such rules and regulations for the administration of the Department
as may seem fit, and to assign, re-assign and transfer employees
from one station to another.
The superintendent has power to establish and discontinue head-
quarters and stations in such localities as he may deem advisable.
The Act provides that the Department shall create and maintain
a Bureau of Identification and Statistics.
Provision is also made for the salaries, expenses and maintenance
of the Department, to be paid out of the gross income of the Depart-
ment of Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, exclusive of revenue pro-
duced by fines and forfeitures, and exclusive of revenue arising from
commercial hiring truck license fees and commercial hiring franchise
truck fees.
The Act provides that the duties of the police employees are to
prevent and detect crime, to apprehend criminals, to enforce the
criminal and motor vehicles laws and to perform such other related
duties as may be imposed upon them by the Legislature, which
power shall be exercised in any and all parts of the State. With the
exception of the enforcement of the motor vehicle laws, police powers
shall not apply to Charles, Calvert, Howard and Montgomery Coun-
ties. It is further provided that the State Police shall not act within
the limits of any incorporated municipality which maintains a police
force, except under the following circumstances:
(1) When in pursuit of an offender or suspected offender;
(2) When in search of an offender or Suspected offender
wanted for a crime committed outside of the limits of the