The Bureau of Child Hygiene assists health officers and nurses
in their child health activities; at the request of the Comity Health
Officer and with the approval of the local physicians organizes pre-
natal conferences for mothers, health conferences for infants and
preschool children in the counties. The Bureau offers to physicians
consultations for sick children; assists physicians ill securing special
services or hospital accommodations for indigent children; makes
information on child hygiene available to county organizations, parent-
teacher associations and others, through conferences, lectures, pam-
phlets, bulletins and other publications. It also conducts a course of
demonstrations for mid-wives in the counties.
J. H. Mason Knox, Jr., Ph.D., M.D., Dr. Sc., Chief, Baltimore.
The Division of Personnel and Accounts does all departmental
accounting of both money and property, and does most of the Depart-
mental printing; purchases all supplies, material and equipment for
the bureaus of the Department; directs the distribution of supplies;
and exercises general supervision over employees of the Department.
The Chief of the Division is the Recording Secretary of the State
Board of Health and of the Executive Committee. He also supervises
the financial aspects of full-time county health units and works with
county and town officials in the preparation of joint budgets for such
Walter N. Kirkman, Chief, Baltimore.
Maryland Deputy State and County Health Officers.
County. Name. Post Office.
*Allegany.............................J. P. Franklin, M.D................................Cumberland
*Allegany..........................Asst. W. B. Johnson, M.D...........Cumberland
*Anne Arundel...........W. J. French, M.D. .........................Annapolis
*Anne Arundel.......Asst. J. M. Byers. M.D................Annapolis
*Baltimore...................J. S. Bowen, M.D.......................................Towson
*Calvert................................... I. N. King, M.D...............................................Prince Frederick
* Caroline.......................... G. E. Waters................................................Denton
*Carroll....................................W. C. Stone, M.D............................................Westminster
* Cecil................................................ .....C. A. Kane, M.D............................................. Elkton
* Charles............................D. St.C Campbell, M.D..................La Plata
*Dorchester...................E. A. Jones, M.D.............................................Cambridge
*Frederick........................... E. C. Kefauver, M.D..........................Frederick
*Garrett............. ..............H. R. DuPuy, M. D.................................Oakland
*Harford..................................T. A. Callahan, M.D.........................Bel Air
*Howard......................E. R. Davies, M.D.....................................Ellicott City
*Kent ..............................A. F. Whitsitt, M.D............................Chestertown
Montgomery............V. L. Ellicott, M.D., Dr. P.H. Rockville
Prince George's.......A. B. Hooton, MJD.................................Upper Marlboro
Queen Anne's.................J. A. McCallum, M.D.....................Centreville
*St. Mary's.....................E. C. Peck, M.D............................................Leonardtown
Somerset................................R. H. Johnson, M.D..........................Princess Anne
Talbot ........................................L. S. Welty, M.D........................................Easton
Washington..............W. R. Cameron. M.D........................... Hagerstown
Wicomico...................... S. H. Hurdle, M.D.............................Salisbury
*Worcester...............................Wm. R. Willard, M.D., Dr. P.H. Pocomoko
Baltimore City...... D. S. Fisher, M.D............................ Baltimore
Indicates full-time service.
There are 79 Public Health Nurses and 21 Sanitary Inspectors
in the 23 counties of the State.